• Member Since 2nd Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


- No Bio Provided - [yet - still under construction]

Edited stories


A few more Details about Changeling Canon [S7E17] · 1:07pm Sep 4th, 2017

A few more small pieces of Changeling Canon

In S7E17 "To Change a Changeling" Thorax used an flashback to explain Pharynx's behavior, revealing more canon information about Changelings.
(Note: I will limit this post to the "original" Changelings; the new reformed Changelings aka Changedlings won't be mentioned here.)

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A few more Details about Changeling Canon [S7E17] · 1:07pm Sep 4th, 2017

A few more small pieces of Changeling Canon

In S7E17 "To Change a Changeling" Thorax used an flashback to explain Pharynx's behavior, revealing more canon information about Changelings.
(Note: I will limit this post to the "original" Changelings; the new reformed Changelings aka Changedlings won't be mentioned here.)

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Some Title (No idea what)


I have no idea what I should write here...

...OK, this is currently in my head:
I'm relatively new on Fimfiction and write this text here. You (who ever is reading this) can be sure this page is still under construction and will be changed in the future (whenever that will be).

My OC (hasn't a name yet) in the profile pic is (at least for now) only temporary, so do not think too much about it.
I know it is far from perfect, but hey, at least he isn't one of this red-and-black-alicorn-OC's with a semi-tragic past and so on.
It was created using the "Pony Creator v3" from generalzoi on DeviantArt.

My writing skills are not worth mentioning, so my number of stories will probably not drastically increase in the near (of far) future. I mean, i have problems writing ths decription about myself. How should i write a full story?

That was very short.
I really have to expand this. Really.

Comments ( 21 )
  • Viewing 12 - 21 of 21

The 'Nameless Queen' Author AniMun has returned. I see a comment from you from the story to vote back than.
He announcement today his return :twilightsmile:

Double big God bless. God loves you, now and forever.

I have my ways.

hides the fact that I like looking through profiles to find weird things behind my back.

Also, nice gif


On a seperate note:
How did you find that old comment from 2015 in the first place?


You have committed crimes against Sky... uhm, Fimfiction and its people! What do you say in your defense?

I doth boop thine nose. What is thine response?

I'm doing it in 7 days. I can't deal with this pain anymore. I'm sorry.

Thanks for the follow!

  • Viewing 12 - 21 of 21
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