• Member Since 11th Dec, 2018
  • offline last seen Sep 11th, 2024


Likes muffins and ponies and muffin ponies and pumpkin muffins!

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Blog Posts

  • 257 weeks
    I've not written in a while, and I'm gonna fix that...

    So, I've kinda... not written in like a year. partly because of laziness, but mostly because of personal problems that have been going on, I've had quite a few issues in my family for the past couple months that I've been dealing with. But I'm going to come back. Anywho, I've decided to split Terra into two separate stories. I'll update each story periodically. By that I mean that when I feel more information is needed for one of the characters in the future, I'll upload a couple of past

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    0 comments · 156 views
  • 290 weeks
    The blip

    So.. um... hi.

    I rewrote the first two future chapters for Terra, right you should know. I've showed the pace a bit.

    I'd also like to apologize for being lazy and not writing, so I'll pump out the next chapter, then work a wee bit more.

    So, anyways, see ya!

    1 comments · 224 views

I've not written in a while, and I'm gonna fix that... · 7:32am Mar 17th, 2020

So, I've kinda... not written in like a year. partly because of laziness, but mostly because of personal problems that have been going on, I've had quite a few issues in my family for the past couple months that I've been dealing with. But I'm going to come back. Anywho, I've decided to split Terra into two separate stories. I'll update each story periodically. By that I mean that when I feel more information is needed for one of the characters in the future, I'll upload a couple of past

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Report MuffinPonyPoser · 156 views · Story: Terra ·
Comments ( 27 )
  • Viewing 23 - 27 of 27

*holds up muffin*


Funny :derpytongue2:

Trying to spread more kindness around this site. Always here to bring the cheer. 😇💖

You're my friend-a-doodle now. Have a cookie! 🍪:rainbowkiss:

You ever need anything, I'm always around. 😌


*Puts hoof to muzzle in a thinking gesture, looking up at the sky at the same time*

I am a mad scientist (or would be if I got off my flanks), and these words have inspired me! Now I shall create a disease to make every human in the world grow a horn/small wings! None shall be able to stop me! *maniacal laughter*

  • Viewing 23 - 27 of 27
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