• Member Since 29th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday


The competition doesn't sleep - except with your girlfriend.


How to start a good story or tricks in general · 8:26pm Sep 16th, 2013

Hi everyone out there. The final work-outs on "The Journey" are soon finished. I planned an end and several highlights. But - as usual - I have problems with a good start and given that english isn´t my language I can´t garantee a 100% mistake-free storytelling. I won´t use google translate trough. It worked horribly with my elfenlied-rpg-postings and well...never again. Maybe there are some proofreaders out there, interested in giving me advice and with patience as I can´t have regular

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Report DarkChiyo · 532 views ·
Comments ( 86 )
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Comment posted by 23 KM To Nerdiness deleted Apr 12th, 2023

Thank you for having added Goodbye Ponyville to your favorites. Glad you enjoyed my short story. :twilightsmile:

Found your stories when I had a break at work and just had to favourite it. Thanks for writing it. :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the favorites!

  • Viewing 82 - 86 of 86
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How to start a good story or tricks in general · 8:26pm Sep 16th, 2013

Hi everyone out there. The final work-outs on "The Journey" are soon finished. I planned an end and several highlights. But - as usual - I have problems with a good start and given that english isn´t my language I can´t garantee a 100% mistake-free storytelling. I won´t use google translate trough. It worked horribly with my elfenlied-rpg-postings and well...never again. Maybe there are some proofreaders out there, interested in giving me advice and with patience as I can´t have regular

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Report DarkChiyo · 532 views ·