So Diamond Tiara is finally reformed! Yay! But with her reformation came a new character: Spoiled Rich. She's apparently the one behind our favorite filly's not-so-nice behavior, but does that mean she can't be forgiven?
We've forgiven Diamond Tiara, and we should do the same for her mother! Don't you think that Diamond Tiara would, since she knows what it's like to feel like that? So while she's definitely not the most perfect pony out there, we should give her the same love as we did with her daughter. Maybe her daughter will teach her how to be the best pony she could be!
Finally. I'm glad I'm not the only one who is thinking that Spoiled Rich can be forgiven. It was the same reason I joined the diamond cutters before Diamond Tiara
was coolwas redeemed.Yes! Someone finally made this group!