• Member Since 20th Jun, 2016
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday

Flash Notion

The hardest part about writing is that nothing you make is ever as good on the page as it was inside your head... but other people don't know that, so we worry over nothing.

Pictures I Feel Like Sharing

Flash's Library Catalog

I've taken it upon myself to review each and every story saved into my bookshelves- which is 95% of everything I've ever read on this site. Enjoy the entries so far:
- - - - Volume I - - - - - - - - Volume II - - - - - - - - Volume III - - - - - - - - Volume IV

Latest Stories

Comments ( 33 )
  • Viewing 24 - 33 of 33

Why are you watching me? This is a poor life choice.

Don't talk back to my closest friend you carbon base life form!!!!!

You don't have to be a jerk to me fleshy!!

ah. a bot. i suppose i should get you banned then. i'm currently in a chat with Majin Syeekoh. He's only a story approver, but he knows how to get in touch with the mods...

I'm a machine not a human.

??? why's everybody got an acronym these days?

It's me.
The Humans' Ultimate Military Machine Explore Robot. HUMMER!
I am the Hummer of the future.

Flash Notion is it?

  • Viewing 24 - 33 of 33
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