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Why I Haven't Been Updating · 11:31am Jul 15th, 2015
So Journey, you ask, if you're so busy writing your thesis, how do you have the time to draw ponies?
Stress. I stress-draw.
As well as stress-write. That's sort of why I started writing fimfiction: to escape my worldly obligations.
But, alas, he has found me again.
Journey Blue · 470 views
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Weather permitting, the next chapter will be posted this Thursday.
for my sanity i cant wait for the next chaperts of student of sun and shadows. You do a magnificent job of capturing atention but can you hold it?
1566048 Yes, I try to. It only takes a minute to do. If I had to do them all at once, it would be a lot of typing, but the faves are usually spread out over days.
You're welcome, but I have to ask: do you thank everyone who favorites your stories? I would think you get quite a lot, considering their quality.
Thanks for the fave on The Celestia Code!