so i suppose this is my front page.iintresting,anyways all you need to know about me is that i enjoy writing but am quite frankly terrible at it. and ship literally anything that moves, and sometimes things that don't. this is my relm! and anyone who ventures into my relm must be prepared to be bom barded with SHIPS!
for the fuck of it, here are the best and worst ships in existance and anything in between, i quite frankley don't care nor mind
Best Ships (In Order) : Worst Ships (In Order):
Discord x Celestia Sombra x Celestia
Fluttershy x RainbowDash Discord x Fluttershy
Rarity x Applejack Applejack x Rainbow Dash
Fluttershy x Rarity Discord x Luna
Twilight x Trixie ]
twilight x sunset
twilight x moondancer
Soarin x Spitfire
Luna x Sombra Twilight x Flash
Fluttershy x Sombra
Button x Sweetie Belle RainbowDash x Big Mac
Spike x Sweetie Belle Scotaloo x Apple Bloom
Soarin x Rainbow Dash Discord x Anypony (Other Than Celestia)
Derpy x Doctor Hooves Celestia x Chrysalis
Lyra x Bonbon
Chrysalis x Sombra
Vinyl Scratch x Octavia
Celestia x All Males ( Except Discord)
Most Incest Ships ( With Few Exceptions)
PinkiePie x Chesse
Most OC x MLP Character Ships
Scootaloo x Ruble
Luna x Twilight
Shining Armour x Cadence
Luna x Fluttershy
Sombra x Twilight
Spike x Rarity
Twilight x Big Mac
Celestia x Twilight
Soarin x Big mac
Cadence x Sombra
Shining Armor x Chrysalis
And Anything Inbetween Is Fine Aswell
k thanks so much
Read your story! I liked it a lot. Left more detailed notes on the Gdoc. I'm Nine Calaveras.
no problemo
Thanks for the fave of Night of the Full Moon
You flatter me!
I'll take a look at your story and give some feedback when I have some time, okay?