Hiatus · 5:49pm Oct 1st, 2019
So, I've been kind of drained really bad lately and my mind has been unable to focus on my fanfiction works. Right now, that has been showing in my avatar work especially, but it'll be showing in glow as well before long. I'm currently working on a few side projects that have been absorbing all of my focus.
I'll be pausing Avatar for now, and Glow I will be pausing after next week(As otherwise I'll be leaving it on a cliffhanger, which would be mean.) After that, I'll be taking a small break until I can get all of these out of my system. Thank you very much for your patience.
Okay, take care.
That's fine. Take care of yourself first.
Thank you for taking the time to let us know.
Tace care of what you need to take care of. We, your fans, will be here for when you're ready to return.
We good. Have a nice break!!!
I hope you are having a restful and good hiatus. I'm still way behind, so take as long as you need.