• Member Since 6th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen Aug 23rd, 2022

Carl the near dead

the Equestrian war

The story of Commissar Carl

Once there was an mean old bastard named Carl who didn't have any friends because he was a mean old bastard. Things changed when he was introduced to My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Not that he made friends or stopped being a mean old bastard, he just became a mean old friendless bastard who had a soft spot for ponies.
Eventually he decided to give back to the community that had given him so much (don't ask him what, because he doesn't know) and tried his hand at drawing. He sucked at it. He tried Sculpting. And sucked at it.
After trying at and sucking at many forms of art he decided to try his hand at writing stories. Will the mean old bastard find success? I sincerely doubt it.


a little backround on the mean old bastard. · 3:48pm Apr 6th, 2013

A while back, I had just about the best idea for a book that a kid who is seventeen has probably ever had. I'm probably giving myself too much credit, but I had an original idea for a story, filled with action, a unique setting, interesting characters, political commentary, all sorts of good stuff.

And I wrote about three pages before I just gave up. I had the big picture, but when it came to two people talking to each other I became a veritable George Lucas. it sucked.

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Comments ( 22 )
  • Viewing 18 - 22 of 22

Is that a lovely A34 Comet I see?

paused, more like. started writing a new one yesterday, so your timing is good.

Just wondering if you stopped doing the tank thing?

  • Viewing 18 - 22 of 22
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