• Member Since 12th Mar, 2014
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Not a brony. No really, I'm not. I'm just here to see what awesome stuff this crazy fandom puts out.


This story is a sequel to Undead Robot Bug Crusaders

Apple Bloom is an undead ghoul, but that's OK. She's finally come to terms with her condition, and is determined to rise above her curse.

Sweetie Belle is a robot, but that's OK. With manual in hoof, she's prepared to learn everything she can about herself, and whatever the future holds.

Scootaloo is a changeling, but that's OK. Changelings are citizens now, and she's ready to do her part to show the world changelings can be friendly too.

Together, the three of them are getting by, one day at a time. They may never get their cutie marks, but that's not going to stop them from having fun, finding their talents, and maybe even going a week without causing massive amounts of property damage. Maybe.

Meanwhile, Babs Seed is still blissfully unaware of the unusual destiny that awaits her, Diamond Tiara is slowly finding her place in the world, and Ponyville is still the weirdest town in Equestria. But then again, what else is new?

Edited by Bahamuttone

Cover Art by someone close to me IRL who probably doesn't want anyone to know she made pony art.

Chapters (26)
Comments ( 1079 )

Ever heard of...Cliffhanger?

Yes ! Sequel is here and we already have 3 chapters. Thank you.

Mistakes found :

She had a older brother that seemed to be allergic to a reasonable sleep cycle.


Activate protocol: refresh_2, thought Sweetie Belle, taking care the think the underscore.


Didn’t you agree to not to put much thought into whether you wanted to be a pegasus

Scootaloo nodded in a agreement,

“Ah though sis was the one who put money on vampire,” grumbled Babs.


I have notified random people on 2 discord servers and on EQD MD.

Ooh, a sequel! :pinkiehappy:

Be sure to make a blog post tagged with the first story to notify your readers. :twilightsmile:

Fimfiction used to have a "sequel-notification" thing going some years back, but apparently it was only experiemental and they stopped doing it after, like, three months or so. Really, I can't think of why. :twilightoops:

Btw, found a possible typo in the description:

With manual in hoof, she'd prepared to learn everything she can about herself

Not sure, but shouldn't that be "she's"?

Well I haven't even read a chapter yet, but something calls out to me to type something... Something from the dawn of my youth...

But then I'd need to find all of the current iterations of their theme song that's already floating around the prior fic's comment sections!

The game itself was sort of a cross between red light green light and hide and seek. The goal was for Apple Bloom’s friends to try and reach the stairs, starting from different sides of the room. The catch was that they couldn’t move while Apple Bloom was looking at them. And if they made too much noise by moving too fast, they lost the game anyway.

The interesting part was Apple Bloom’s eyes. Their unnatural red glow not only enabled her to see in the pitch-black basement with ease, but they also gave away that she was looking at somepony. So, not only were you trying to reach the end quickly and silently in the dark, you had keep your eyes open and watch the darkness for the sight of Apple Bloom’s gaze.

Say... this wouldn't happen to be somewhat inspired by Tattletail, would it?

Season 4 premier... how long ago was that? Man, this show's been going for a while...

November 2013, so a little more than five years. Yeah it already been this long.

And and we didn’t even get to really try the thing,”

Ah, didn’t think this would be getting a sequel.

I’m still convinced Twilight is a Lich and that’s why she knew how to hide Apple Bloom

Yes a sequel, thought this was wrapped up. I hope for some drama in the future.

This is one I'm really happy to see getting a sequel! Looking forward to seeing what you do with it.

Also, technically Gabby is a crusader... Just putting that out there.

Oh, so we're going to have side stories about DT. This would be interesting to see how her life is now turning.

Unsurprisingly, as she starting swinging again, her mind began to wander again.

Either start or was starting

their unique magic slowing changing the stone into more valuable materials,



That or the word be should be place right after she'd.

I understand, the plunder vines were a lifetime ago.

Sell it to Spike, he is known for spending lots to money on tasty treats.

Heh, a nice start to a story i really enjoyed.

Everything seemed to be where it should be: still burnt black and making nauseating sounds with every move she made. Yet, Apple Bloom felt only a small trace of disgust. It really was amazing what a pony could get used to with enough time, friends, and books on the undead.

Oh yeah. Hell, in one homebrew Epic thing for 5e, Necromancer Wizards can become Archliches. Without needing to be evil or the phylactery needing to be powered by souls or slowly going insane. So you could have a Lawful Good Archlich Necromancer Wizard. Who can eventually learn literally every spell in the game. Yes even that one.

She needed the extra time to take her morning bubble bath. It was kind of necessary for her to take one every morning to address the fact that she smelled like a dead body, on account of kind of being a dead body.

Yes, I would imagine, yes.

Dang it, Butter. Now I’m in the mood for pancakes again, she grumbled.

Pancakes are good.

But the enchantments helped her literally keep her head on straight, so she still put it on every day.

That WOULD help, yes.

That, and she enjoyed not looking like something that crawled out of Tartarus.

A common sentiment, yes.

And so, Sweetie Belle was clean, styled, and ready to face the day in a matter of seconds. Rarity had been soooooo jealous when Sweetie Belle had shown her this trick.

I would imagine she would.

“Wow, Scoots. That was such a clever pun. I bet you spent hours trying to come up with that one,” deadpanned Sweetie Belle.

Fuck you, that was amazing.

“Ya know, you’ve been doin’ that so often, it’s gettin’ harder and harder for me to think you’re secretly a vampire,” noted Babs’ mom.

Beg pardon?

Just a heads up, I'm taking a different approach this time. I really don't have any plans for a big, overarching story, as I'm really just putting down extra ideas and scenarios I've had about this AU over the years. So, there's going to be a much heavier emphasis on the Slice of Life aspect of this Slice of Life Comedy.

That is completely fair.

At any rate, here's hoping I can continue to deliver cute and fun unusual CMC misadventures.

I am entirely OK with that.

Do you have proof and/or evidence to vindicate this?

Oh, and Discord was in town, up to his usual “I’m totally not a bad guy anymore” antics.

Would you rather he be annoying or a sadistic monster who could plunge the world into a chaotic apocalypse on a whim if he so chose?

“Who the hay takes the time to re-organize every card in a deck like this? This clearly isn’t a new pack!” cried Sweetie Belle.


The three fillies stared at the bottle, which was now, somehow, standing rightside up, pointing at the ceiling.


One of them would blink any second now…

Neither needs to blink, so I think it's a matter of whose focus lapses first.

“Huh. Now that ya mention it… Ah guess not. Though Ah don’t think Ah should try and break the habit,” said Apple Bloom.

Yeah, that may be a wise decision.

The interesting part was Apple Bloom’s eyes. Their unnatural red glow not only enabled her to see in the pitch-black basement with ease, but they also gave away that she was looking at somepony. So, not only were you trying to reach the end quickly and silently in the dark, you had keep your eyes open and watch the darkness for the sight of Apple Bloom’s gaze.


“Raven Inkwell, and yes. Point to Sweetie Belle,” declared Scootaloo as she dropped the disguise.

Raven Inkwell. Don't see much about her.

“Infrared vision… binary translation… EMP resistance? What the hay does that mean?” asked Scootaloo with a raised eyebrow.

You can see body heat, you can read binary code and can resist EMPs which normally fry machines.

“Well, I am a robot from the future, Scootaloo. I think we crossed the ‘hard core sci-fi’ line a long time ago,” said Sweetie Belle with a giggle.

She has a point.

This did not mix well with utilizing energy-draining robot gadgets.

That'd about do it, yes.

At last, the sun was properly in the sky, the vines were all gone, and the ever fleeting peace had been restored. And not a pony was surprised to hear that the whole thing was Discord’s fault, nor that Pinkie had arranged yet another party soon after.

Ah, so Season 4 premiere. GOD that feels so long ago. When things weren't consistently going to shit.

“Oh, I just thought for a moment there that you and the girls had found my antique card set. It’s a very valuable item of mine, so I’d appreciate it if you’d avoid touching it in the future,” answered Rarity with a wave of her hoof.

I suppose that's fair.

While Rarity was perfectly willing to admit she had other hobbies, she was less than eager to admit that one of them happened to be a certain magic-based collector card game.


“You just had to make a card geek out of me and the others, didn’t you, Twilight Sparkle?” cursed Rarity under her breath.

That's fair.

Season 4 premier... how long ago was that? Man, this show's been going for a while...

If nothing else, that's a testament to the show's quality and tenacity.

“It’s been weeks now, Diamond Tiara. You can’t keep letting it mess with you like this. You've always known your mom hated you. This shouldn’t be bothering you now,” she mumbled at herself.

I disagree, that sort of shit scars a person on a deep level.

With a grunt of determination, she picked her pickaxe back up and started swinging it again. She had spent far too long as a quitter, never willing to put herself through anything. Silver Ore had asked her to break down this pile of stones and, by Celestia, Diamond Tiara was going to finish what she had started this time.

I suppose I can understand that.

Professional excavations were apparently a lot more dangerous than the tunnels beneath Ponyville.

OH yeah.

This time, a chunk of the rock came off, revealing… some kind of weird white lump inside.


“This ugly thing is a diamond?” she asked in disbelief.

In the rough.

“But it’s still a diamond. It won’t be as pretty as one grown on a rock farm, but it can still shine like any other gem with a little polish...” she mumbled.


OK, I lied. There's going to be one ongoing story arc. But it's going to be a lot more uplifting, and less depressing, than the Diamond Tiara arc of the last story.

I can live with that.

“Well, something’s clearly going on so… wait… did we check if this deck was suffled before we started playing?” asked Sweetie Belle.

I think you meant to type shuffled

looking forward to more on Diamond Tiara the CMC and Babs.

PS:I am betting on werewolf for Babs, or at the very least some kinda were-creature

Soooo... Twitch likes musical theatre, then?

“Yeah. The manual says ya come with several sample settin’s already in-stalled, whatever that means. Hm… do ya have some kind of… in-ter-face? Celestia, some of these words are weird…” added Apple Bloom.

This is incredibly pedantic, but I just have to point it out. The word "Install" isn't new. It's middle English, and derived from Latin. That word's been in use for centuries, and its progenitors for probably thousands of years. In (into) Stallum (place) -> Installare -> Install. It literally just means to put something in place.

You install furniture. You install dictators. You install doors.

Obviously all Alicorns are liches. You didn't really believe that "ascension" hooey did you? Like some kind of natural apotheosis occurs to those who prove themselves "worthy?" Hah.

We just have to figure out where her phylactery is.

Woo. Sequel! Added to my 'Can't wait' list just like the last one was on.

You might want to read the first story. We already know what happens to Babs. It's explained at the end of the time travel arc.

I did read it, I just dont remember what happened to her XD

I'm really excited to see that the sequel is finally out!!

Wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf

Omg omg omg omg omg omg omg

Thank you for the sequel!!!

That had been far too close for comfort. Still, at least now Sweetie Belle would never accidentally open her secret box of cards. While Rarity was perfectly willing to admit she had other hobbies, she was less than eager to admit that one of them happened to be a certain magic-based collector card game.

Magic’s: The Gathering Reference for the win!

Basically the Spider Bite changed her genetic code to a 1 in a million sequence that makes her future children Naturally Born Thestrals, Aka Batponies. This in turn is stated to have brought the entire species back from extinction. So while Babs herself is completely normal and the same as far as she's concerned, she is now strange by virtue of becoming the literal mother of all vampires in the future.

Spoilers for anyone who didn't read the original.

A sequel! I am so glad to see it!

When did her life get so weird?

Oh, who was she kidding? She knew the exact moment: the day she went on a week long visit to the single craziest town in the nation. Her fate was sealed the moment she stepped on that train.

I bet Twilight thought the same thing every now and then.

Nope. It’s just a thought that popped into my head when one of the two good lich’s commented on how good Twilight’s spellwork and I thought “Why would Twilight know a spell made to hide an undead’s apperance or more notably stop an undead from falling apart?” One of the more ridiculous reasons as to why she would know that is because she herself was an undead and so she had to cast said spell on herself to hide her appearance/dark magic, and that’s why she didn’t see either of the lichs despite one of them commenting on wanting to see, because she was afraid of being discovered.

As to how, I honestly have no idea though I would have to bet on that one other good Lich who works at Celestia’s school that got mentioned a while back and there being some accident or something.

I thinks that’s more of a jab about Applebloom being a farmer and not knowing technological terms and thinking it was some sci-if mumbojumbo

she was less than eager to admit that one of them happened to be a certain magic-based collector card game

I sense a shenanigan involved magic card game and hi-tec VR system. Probably instead of 'Power Ponies', we gonna have 'Ogres & Oubliettes' edition?

Magic the gathering Vr would be so cool

Wonder what’s Gabby’s secret or what she’s going to turn into?

I like this character development. Keep it coming.

The three fillies stared at the bottle, which was now, somehow, standing rightside up, pointing at the ceiling.



Now I really want that Ghoul Tag to be a video game or something

yes yes yes this a million times yes this!
(im still working on my audio reading of the first story but its slow going i work long shifts and im just one pony

and i screw up...alot...which doesnt help)

Yay! A sequel to one of the first fanfics I read in the fandom!

Let Topol tell you all about Tradition, and the song that everybody should know by heart:

That moment when you realized you put a fic into favorites before actually reading it.

I think it works if it's a contraction of "she had".

The sequel's out. The sequel is out and I wasn't notified. I feel rather indignant. ... Looking forward to more.
Keep up the good work. Deus tecum.

“Ugh… I hate it when this happens. And and we didn’t even get to really try the thing,” groaned Sweetie Belle.

There is an extra 'and' that shouldn't be there.

Fimfiction used to have a sequel-notification system in place a few years back... for about three months, then it was suddenly removed again, and never added back in. :twilightoops:

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