• Member Since 12th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


Not a brony. No really, I'm not. I'm just here to see what awesome stuff this crazy fandom puts out.


Status Update: Jan 2020 · 1:52am Jan 26th, 2020

Alright, this blog post is well overdue. And unfortunately, I mostly have bad news.

First of all, no, I'm not dead. I'm not cancelling Unusual Lives, or it's origin spin off. The latest delay was partially due to taking an extended break over the holidays to catch up with family, and partially because everyone's favorite nemesis has decided to pay me another visit. I thought I'd be over it before the end of January, but here we are. Stupid writer's block...

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URBC Seven Tribes Spin-off! · 2:43am Jun 9th, 2019

Welp, I said I was working on this months ago, and now it's finally here! The spin-off of Undead Robot Bug Crusaders about the ancheint seven tribes of ponykind I've been giving hint about as far back as the prologue of the first story!


But to be honest, I'm not sure if it's fit to publish.

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Undead Robot Bug Crusaders Sequel! · 4:21pm Jan 12th, 2019

Guess who's back! And I've brought horse words with me!

Sequel's over here!


Yet another delay · 11:08pm May 3rd, 2018

The final chapter (not counting epilogue) of URBC will be delayed on account of:

1) Revisions to make sure this story goes out on a high note.

2) I'm in the middle of catching up with a old friend, and helping him with his own fan fic.

3) IRL complications that have made the past few and upcoming weeks rather stressful.

4) Recent episodes forcing me to rework a scene.

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URBC Chapter 17 Reference List · 12:53am Feb 10th, 2018

Someone asked, and it's been long enough, so here it is. Every reference I was crazy enough to slip into chapter 17 of Undead Robot Bug Crusaders, not counting the ones reused from chapter 16.

I'm also pointing out the stuff that weren't really references but are worth pointing out, as well as some commentary to go with it all so that this blog post is actually interesting to read.

And for the record, yes, some of these were intentionally far too vague to be figured out.

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About the next chapter... · 4:25pm Nov 7th, 2017

So... you ever come up for an idea for a chapter that seemed like a good idea, then spend ages writing it only to realize that:

1) The main conflict isn't enough for a full length chapter so you've run out of material after only 2k words, and you can't stretch that conflict out without make the dialogue incredibly repetitive or making characters hold the idiot ball.

2) It makes no sense for this particular character to have this particular problem in the first place.

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Next chapter will be late · 12:57pm Jul 1st, 2017

The next chapter will be late.

I'm not happy that I broke my one-chapter-a-month streak, but I'm also not happy with the current draft.


Report Banjo64 · 669 views · #Delay

Update: April 2017 · 1:36am Apr 19th, 2017

Hey everyone. Just a quick update because I have some interesting stuff to announce. That, and to get my whining excuses from a year ago off my user page.


First and foremost, yes, I'm still writing Undead Robot Bug Crusaders. I've hit a small road (writer's) block, but I'm confident I'll get over it soon. But in the meantime, I've had time to work on some other things I've been writing.

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Why Undead Robot Bug Crusaders Took so Long · 10:24pm Aug 5th, 2016

Alright, I mentioned I'd might post this, so here it is: my long winded explanation of why it took so long to publish the next chapter.

Be warned, this is mostly me just whining about it, and I'm leaving out most of the IRL complications that came up as well.

Anyway, right after I posted chapter 2 I got started on the next chapter. I was on a roll and wanted to keep going, so I did. And then, after having written a bit, I realized my current script was awful.

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Actual Update · 4:00am Apr 2nd, 2016

Right. Forgot you have to be popular to pull an April fools day joke. Well, for the 15 people who saw it, thank you for noticing. Now have a real update as a prize.

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