• Member Since 25th Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Want to know how far someone can get writing fan-fictions without watching the show? Lets find out together!


This story is a sequel to Tales of the Dragons of Earth

Changelings live by their ability to wear a mask. The best keep several, able to switch between them on the fly effortlessly. But there's a danger inherent in the use of masks. Like forgetting you're wearing it.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Twilight's First Prank

The time for their trip is quickly approaching, but upon hearing the things Max and Spike are discussing, Twilight wonders just how much information on dragons the two already have, and just where all of these stories came from.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Where there's Will, there's a Way

Seeing a way to relieve both Max's general aggravation and Twilight's irritation at the Canterlot Magic Societies, Pinkie suggests a prank. Max is quick to aim at the unicorns who threw out the purple princess's last research project, leaving the alicorn with no ready excuses. Will she embrace her first taste of blood(pranks)? Will Canterlot survive two immortal pranksters?

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to A Question Better Left Unanswered.

Twilight had seen them all. The party cannon, Pinkie's spy gear, her flying contraption. None looked like they should work, like they were the idle fantasies of a foal. So why by all that is logical do they work?

Chapters (1)

Twilight knew that there would be times she would find herself in over her head. When Princess Celestia decides that her proximity to a Village Hidden in the Everfree makes her a perfect candidate for participating in the village's introductory tour and citizenship ceremony, the young alicorn finds out just how little she really knows about her own world.

Quick note: I've been having difficulties with my formatting since the update so if it's messed up or anything like that let me know. I'll try to fix it ASAP

Chapters (7)

Zecora had long gotten used to the fact that she would be alone in a land of friendship. Ponies came to her for help or potions, but she was too different, too strange for them to see her that way.

Maybe it has something to do with her pets?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A More Subtle Touch

There are so many things Twilight could have pursued an answer for. What actually made the region dependent on ponies when the other countries run wild? What is the origin story of the changelings? Can other pony races learn to cast spells?
Instead, she turned to a volatile subject. Once more, she targeted Pinkie Pie. Her changeling test-subject is all to happy to help her answer that question, as well as one of his own.

"How many times can you prank an alicorn before you end up on the moon?"

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Weekly Disaster

Discord is back in town to see how his friends are doing. During his visit, he gets into an argument with Max the changeling over what constitutes a prank.
Discord is of the opinion that for a prank to be funny, everyone must see it. Therefore it must be loud and showy.
Max says some of the best pranks are only ever noticed by the one who set it up.

...Twilight Sparkle's day was ruined from the moment she slipped out of bed.

Commenter challenged me to throw out a story in which Twilight keeps tripping. This is the result of the idea. Turned out I found the topic funny and that made it pretty easy to write. Please note that this story is in no way connected to Twisted Fate. Max was the name I started with a while ago, I just made the bad decision to use the name again.

Chapters (1)

The Nightmare has returned, and sat upon Celestia's throne. The guards know better than to interfere with such a challenge, as the princess herself had ordered that they stand aside in such cases. Now all await the princess' return, and the battle that will ensue. The battle for the right to rule Equestria.

Set rating as T to be safe. Nothing too bad, but not sure what the fight would be rated.

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia was one of their biggest fans, always drinking Coka-Cola. She even put up with the ridiculous amount of time it took to transfer funds, set up the portal, have the product delivered, and finally shipped to her private kitchen. But this? Oh, this time it was too much. This time they'd gone too far.

This came to me while passing a coke machine. It had the name Tia on one of the bottles.

This one's for you, Bendy.

Chapters (1)