• Member Since 2nd May, 2022
  • offline last seen June 9th


I write horse words to get all these ideas out of my head. There are too many living rent free! I write for myself, publish for everyone, and to show that I exist/existed.

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Blog Posts

  • 70 weeks
    The next fic is going to be a fussy one

    Mark your calendars! 4/1/2023 is going to be a blast full of hiss, fuss, and blaps! Maybe you know, maybe you don't; best thing is to prepare yourself for this upcoming April Fools fic. If not, then I may get a little fussy . . .

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  • 89 weeks

    Proud to be the reason for the Posey character tags creation.

    Continuing forward, Hitching Hitch I just came out as a comedy-romance attempt. It is the first of x amount of stories that follow Hitch on his quest to get hitched. Hop on this bandwagon of love and shenanigans as more stories come out. There is no planned release for the next story, but it should be before this month's end - if all goes well.

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  • 94 weeks

    Where is he going? To a diplomatic summit? A visit to Canterlot? Racing friends? Flying in the Wonderbolt Academy? Who knows...

    but he do be speedy.

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  • 104 weeks
    Gummy Adventure Comedy

    Got an amazing comedy Gummy fic idea and immediately went to the keyboard. So prepare yourself for “Gummy Tries to Get Warm”, hopefully coming out this Friday.

    After that, I will resume a story I have been working on for weeks now; it has mostly been planning until last week. A CYOA (Choose Your Own Adventure) story starting Twilight, Starlight, and Celestia. More about that in a later blog post.

    - E

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  • 111 weeks
    The Making of Rarity's Generosity - #3

    All the writing is done, the last thing to do is publish. New chapters on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays until completion. I hope you will find this heart-tugging story to be magnificently moving, I know I did.

    2 comments · 134 views

ou continuously tread beneath the heavy rain of a dark lonely night, looking desperately for shelter to reside in. Your entire body ached; most noticeably, your hooves were unfathomably sore. Around you were many hundreds of cabins, all lively and lit up in close proximity to each other. However, glancing at each one gave you the same unwelcoming feeling. For they were all identical in every characteristic: their size the same, compact and equidistant from one another, and the same common unpainted wooden door - bland. Even while being bathed in the cloud's downpour, you too were soaking in uncertainty. You remained still and clueless as you twisted and turned your head in every direction. . . until something caught your eye.

All of the sudden, this overwhelming sense of “lost” evaporated upon your discovery of a single cabin up the steep hill. It was a lone but passionate glimmer in the harsh abyss of the night. This place was separated from the others but still connected by a wonderful stone brick path. You began to move once again with newfound confidence toward your new heart-set destination. The rain that pounded at you with malice no longer disturbed you as your eyes locked onto the cabin up the hill.

From below, this place appeared identical to the others, but as you approached, it became transparent that it was constructed differently - larger, with a fireplace, isolated, and with a welcoming door. Its vibrant red door presented itself to you in all its radiant resplendence. It reverberated in your eyes as if it were a sparkling sunset in the midst of this dreadful black of night. The uniqueness compelled you to draw near, originating an interest in whose establishment this could belong to. You stopped in front of the door and paused, marveling at it once more before lifting your hoof to summon the owner.

Knock, knock, knock

In only an iota of an instant, a figure reacted to the calling sounds of a repetitious knock, coming closer to the door.

The door creaked open to reveal a bold-yellow pegasus with deep-blue eyes full of consideration. “You’re soaked! Please, come in. You must get out of this dreadful weather.”

The stallion raised his hoof and stepped to the side, offering his hospitality. “Do make yourself comfortable in front of the fire. It will warm you back up quite quickly.” His voice was full of sincerity and warmth.

For once in an incomprehensible amount of time, you were able to sit on your haunches and lay off your hooves. After you settled, he approached your side and generously offered an appealing red blanket.

While you accepted the blanket to dry off, he continued to introduce himself. “My name is Circum Glider, welcome to my establishment. I have resided here since the second of May this year.” He walked to the kitchen area and retrieved a pot. “I illustrate literature of my own and read the creations of others that catch my eye and spark my imaginative interest. I write virtually every genre conceivable from comedy to horror, slice of life to sad, even choose your own adventures and Gummy (non)fiction - those are my two favorites.”

Circum conjured up a hot beverage and presented it to you with a benevolent smile. It soothed your hooves while you felt the heat spread all the way to your shoulders - you were pleased.

“Here, my friend. I shall entertain you with my own publications while you relax and rejuvenate. I assure you will find your stay to be a serendipitous scenario."

Circum took a book off his inclined desk, sat down, and began reading. . .

Some quotes I live by:

"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." - Abraham Lincoln

"We all die. The goal isn't to live forever, but to create something that will" - Chuck Palahniuk

"We didn't realize we were making memories we just knew we were having fun.” - Winnie the Pooh

"My job is not to try to give readers what they want, but to try to make readers want what I give." - China Miéville

To paraphrase: "Rainbows won’t light up the sky unless it rains. Candles won’t glow until they’re burned. You can’t give up your laughter cause you’re scared of a little pain. Sometimes you have to let it rain." - Autumn Blaze

"You don't know happiness and joy unless you have something to compare it to; sadness and misery." - E

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." - Ghandi

"The error of the past is the wisdom of the future." - Dale E. Turner

"All hail Gummy" - (Should be everyone)

"Momento Mori." - [REDACTED]

Comments ( 17 )
  • Viewing 13 - 17 of 17

Thanks for the watch, E as well as the friendship on the Discord! Welcome to the site and enjoy the horse words my brain and the minds of others come up with.

Hello there! Welcome to Fimfiction! I hope you're able enjoy your time here!

It is I, Aegis Stronghold. I have arrived

Comment posted by Aegis Stronghold deleted May 9th, 2022
  • Viewing 13 - 17 of 17
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