• Member Since 18th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 23rd, 2022

God of the dragons

Well i love my little pony or i wouldn't even bother registering.So yadda yadda yadda skip the boring parts. i love writing stories and reading them.


I need help finding a fic · 6:19am Jan 20th, 2013

This story is about a human who lives in the past of equestria but human society lives undeground. The human meets celestia's parents and eventually celestia herself.He made her a crown(the same one she wears in the show)He some how ends up in the future equestria and the equestrians help him build house or something like that. Celestia comes visits the house and he takes her crown off and says "I made this for you" Or something along the line of that.

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