• Member Since 17th Dec, 2021
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


Comments ( 6 )
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I just started reading it and it's freaking gold. Villainous Super Genius is literally my favorite trope. Dr.Doom of Equestia.

Only thing I can criticize is that there should have had some PAST/PRESENT indicators because I sometime get confused.

Thanks for favoriting BEDLAM

Had to dig deep to find good finished stories to read, couldn't let that one disappear on me. :pinkiehappy:

Thanks for favoriting Tales of the Battle Foals!

Hey there, thanks for the welcome.
And it's Clover who's the worst offender in my opinion, she couldn't even spare words to defend him? some friend she is.

Gotta ask why you are banned tho. There is a discord server linked if you want to ask the author he's pretty chill.

  • Viewing 2 - 6 of 6
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