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So we are starting to see the feud between Cadance and Chrysilis is starting to widen. I hope Cadance will realize her issues and we can see if she can correct them.
Is this series a self-insert?
I wonder just what has completely pissed off Tempest here? She does raise a point that Equestria should be doing more, I think Celestia wants some self sufficient creatures and not reliant on her.
Wow big movie reference
That was a nice trap. I sorta feel sorry for Starlight Glimmer here but it goes to show just how prepared Twilight can be.
Shouldn't this be Storm King's
Btw this was in the 1st paragraph. Just so you don't have to search for it DG.
Ow my tongue is twisted into knots lol
Dragon Ball Z reference
Somehow I have a feeling DT is developing a crish on Pom
Well it looks like DT may have her eyes on a certain colt. I wonder if her sister feels the same way?
This was an interesting look into Spoiled’s head. She is far more a traditionalist then we give her credit for. The problem is she cannot see the way things are for the princesses and their for is having trouble seeing how and why things are changing.
Well I think the Storm King just messed up his plans. He just showed his true colors in front of 4 to 5 of the most powerful beings on the planet. I hope he gets a huge humiliation konga when they strike back.
I can’t wait for Celestia, Luna, and Chrysalis to just completely out play the Storm King and get him killed.
Still I think the Storm King is far out of line, it feels like he wants what his canon self wanted.
Nice job with the story DG. I love the way you're using the Storm King. Can't wait to read more. Your stories are always amazing.
i really like the glorious vanity chapters, good to see how its going with the changelings now
And the other shoe drops. I wonder what would happen if the Storm King was accused of tampering with this council? I am sure holding another country hostage is a major violation and the other sides will be very interested in finding out he had specific prisons all ready available for the crown of Equestria.
Doug vs. Tempest. Fight!
I still have zero idea what Pomarbo is going to get as a mark at this point. He seems like such a shy type that hasn't... done much. Though I do recall him having interest in the weather work Doug was doing a while ago.
I wonder what Spike was doing... Solitaire?
It's interesting to see the Rich's side of things suddenly a lot more after all this time.
That one's spelled right; dahm is (the ponified word I made up to mean) step-mom, or your dad's other wife.
Two whats from me here. :P
Clarified. Thanks
Well this is not going to end well. I hope Celestia has her trump card ready because several powers are being played.
Whelp bias is a big thing, and since the changelings are known for what they're known for, they're easy targets to blame any little thing on even if they had nothing to do with it. Though that's not to say they did nothing wrong.
How many stories are going to be in this series?
At least one more.
Something to look forward to then.
the potential of the changelings is great if chrysalis stops and looks closely at her people beyond survival.
It makes me wonder who painted Chrysalis in such a bad light? I think she can point out many of her foes flaws as well.
pony on the menu yikes Oo
Well the gauntlet has been thrown. Do they think that they can face the full might of Equestria and the Changelings? This will not be fun but I think we are getting the answers as to why Celestia and Luna’s daughters will be taking over their jobs.
wow go cadence that was some speech
By the Moon that was a great speech! Sweet Celestia I am always amazed by you DG. I especially liked Doug's comments and AJ's and RD's (aka Best Pony) reactions.

Considering that doesn't happen ror years down the road I'd thought that was just the same reason as their reasoning in season 9. Only this way they are able retire and not have to entrust the raising of the Sun and Moon to what is practically a pocket watch.
Grant chapter! I mean it was kinda obvious what the verdict would be, but you still made it very suspenseful. Wonderful job DG!
I wonder what Celestia would think of The Prince? Mr. Machiavelli had many things to say and yes I know it was satire to those who he wrote the book for.
I fear the one who read The Prince and took the lessons to heart was not Celestia, who rules a country of barons and nobles, but the Storm King...
Great chapters again DG!
First. Also, great chapter. Will the herd have things to say about this development?
We know where this will end. Unfortunately both Cadance and Shining Armor have some issues that needed to be addressed before the whole ploy with the marriage and it didn’t happen.i wonder if Doug will ever tell Chrysalis about the world he came from?

Chrysalis still has holes in her legs? You'd think those would have filled up after her transformation, or is the transformation different in this universe and it's just been a long time since I read this story. :P
The holes in her legs and wings filled up. The next paragraph has the failure of her attempt outlined explicitly.
Ah. Yes. I see that now. I'm silly.
Doug is Rarity confirmed.
Now I wonder what the Storm King wrote? Hopefully they can deal with him next.