Looking for a patient editor · 7:33pm Jan 13th, 2020
Seems pretty self explanatory, but if you can’t tell, I’m in need of a editor willing to do some basic editing, I’m open to anybody,anypony, or anyling, etc
I have come to produce stories of love, death, and all around insanity, enjoy my brothers and sisters, FOR THE HIVE!!!!
Seems pretty self explanatory, but if you can’t tell, I’m in need of a editor willing to do some basic editing, I’m open to anybody,anypony, or anyling, etc
Seems pretty self explanatory, but if you can’t tell, I’m in need of a editor willing to do some basic editing, I’m open to anybody,anypony, or anyling, etc
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You do the same!
No problem! Have a lovely day friend!
Thank you for the watch and you're very welcome my new friend!
I don’t mind, just so what you feel is right for you