• Member Since 29th Jan, 2014
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Shark-Brony with eclectic tastes and a wide range of fandoms; writer for the Infinite Loops and more.

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The end is not the end · 3:13am Oct 15th, 2019

Well. The main MLP cartoon has ended for this generation. There's still at least one EQG special scheduled for November, and the comics will be continuing into Season 10 next year, so there's still official material coming (and that's not even counting G5). But for the main series, it's the end of the road.

At the same time, it's nowhere near finished for a lot of us.

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Eh, no big. I'm just glad that people like it in spite of its flaws. Truthfully, had I been working on it now and not rushed through it, I would've added a bit more to the story. Maybe incorporated some events from the comics. Ah well, live and learn.

Fingers are very tightly crossed that all of my issues will be resolved sooner rather than later. Hopefully within the next three months, but we'll see.


Thank you for adding Contemplating Chaos to your favorites!

Yeah... I should have favorited it with the batch I added last year, but somehow missed doing so, despite reading it at the time. :twilightblush:

And thanks for your patience with Legends of Magic!

Believe me, I understand. I've had more of my own projects delayed by life than I can count. I wish you all the best in getting things straightened out on that end, and look forward to new chapters once they're ready.

Until next time...
Anon e Mouse Jr.

Thank you for adding Contemplating Chaos to your favorites! And thanks for your patience with Legends of Magic!

You're very welcome; and I'm certain I will. :twilightsmile:

Until next time...
Anon e Mouse Jr.

Thanks for adding Legends of Magic to your favorites! Fingers crossed that you enjoy it as it unfolds!

  • Viewing 137 - 141 of 141
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