• Member Since 17th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen Jan 25th, 2022




Verse 1:10 Rewrite · 7:48am Dec 18th, 2019

Rewrote the final battle in verse 1:10 as I became dissatisfied with how the fight went down. I added some Destiny 2 elements to it to further the story and I like it wayyyy more than the original. I hope y'all do too.

Report Driftie · 190 views · Story: Guardian Down ·
Comments ( 11 )
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I plan to eventually, I have just been very busy ever since I released the current chapter.

Thanks for the fav! Hope you enjoy the ride :twilightsmile:
Praise on, Sunbro! \ [T]'/

Thanks for the fav on Odium! :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the watch and the favorite on The Right Man in the Wrong Place! :twilightsmile:
I hope you continue to enjoy it as new chapters are released.

Thanks for adding my story to your favourites! :twilightsmile:

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