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- The Crusaders need cash to help fix up their clubhouse, but the task is tougher than it seems.DMDash71 · 15k words · 12 2 · 1.2k views
- Rainbow Dash gets a royal invite to a contest that's normally not her specialty.DMDash71 · 13k words · 33 4 · 1.6k views
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Thanks for being brutally honest with me in my story
Thanks for the fave! Been so happy to have you along for the ride!
Glad to have you aboard on Positive Ponies, awesome possum!
Admiral Snuggles appreciates your support
If you ever feel down or need anything, feel free to come to me.
Inconspicuous totally not cider drinking tempest shadeow from the other place.
Yes! I'm working on it currently, and intend to have new chapters out for it within the next two weeks. The rest of the story is completely laid out and I hope to publish it with a minimum of delay.