Funny Lines With No Context
"I'm not a parseltoungue," Harry tiredly explained. "I'm a parselmouth. The language I can speak and understand is parseltoungue. And if you've ever seen an anaconda you can understand why I sometimes get called a parselcrotch."
A Black Comedy, by nonjon
"He has his own way of getting there," Apollo continued, his hands and feet easily slipping the Sun into gear, ready to drive.
"We're just going to see who's is better."
Zoe's eyes widened in sheer terror as Apollo mashed down on the accelerator and launched the Sun into the sky, scorching the air.
The California Sage: Equaling Olympus, by kujikuri21.
"There's only one thing worse than pushing a guy to the side and 'stealing the deal' with the bird I'd spent two hours chatting up: gloating about it. "I got four words for you, Ollie 'Percy Weasley's Sloppy Seconds.' Now come on, lover boy. You've got ten minutes to get you tighty-whiteys unstuck from the scoreboard at the practice facility; otherwise the coaches will make you leave them up there all day."
The Lie I've Lived, by jbern
Mirala bowed. "I fight crime by fucking it to death. I figured you'd approve."
OSABC: And Then There Were None, by LogicalPremise.
"Excuse me, I have matters to attend to. Explosives to refine, dissection diagrams to draw up, you know... BUSINESS AS USUAL." Chopper in This Bites! by Xomniac
And a few chapters later...
"I~ spy~ with my little eye~" Chopper's demented voice sang as it bounced around the room. "A sma~ll room within a ma~ssive floor filled~ with pillars. And in the bed that's in that room, a gothic Lolita lies, utterly dead to the world. My initial diagnosis?"
Soundbite's grin practically split his face in half, and his eyes shone with cyan intesity.
"This should be ... FUN."
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