• Member Since 30th Mar, 2018
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago

Universal Librarian

Just a tired Welshman with a penchant for writing. You can also catch me on TikTok! Now with added Ko-Fi!


Gratitude · 11:18am Apr 28th, 2023

Hey, I'd just like to thank everyone who donated and helped me keep a roof over my head this month. I didn't expect anywhere near as swift or complete a response as I got, and I'm reminded of just how awesome a community this fandom is at its core. Seriously, you guys are lifesavers!

Once again, I appreciate everything you've done for me. Words can't express just how thankful I am. Thank you all!

Report Universal Librarian · 213 views ·

Request for help · 2:05am Apr 27th, 2023

Okay, I despise having to do things like this, but I'm afraid I'm in a bit of a bind and I'm in need of help.

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Bar Beyond Worlds · 9:38am Feb 9th, 2022

Just a little update to note that Fallout Girls is having a crossover chapter with Sunset's Isekai by Wanderer D, go check it out!

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Discord · 9:56pm Nov 26th, 2021

Pretty much exactly what it says on the tin, I've set up a little Discord server for anyone who wants to discuss my various fanfics, along with a few generic sections such as artwork, shitposting, nsfw stuff, and gaming.

If anyone is interested, here's the link: Universal Library

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Delay and Desist · 7:35pm Nov 11th, 2021

Just a couple of notices for the moment. First, Fallout Girls is going to be delayed for a week as I'm taking a couple of days to recuperate from things.

Second, I think I've said this before, but as soon as I'm back on form I'll start working on most of my others stories too

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Librarian Returns! · 7:29am Aug 27th, 2021

Alright, I'm finally back after a bit of a hiatus.

Apologies for the delay, but things have been rather difficult irl. Specifically, a few mental and physical health issues cropped up and/or made a resurgence, and my bosses at work were less supportive than antagonistic. (trigger warning: very dark subject) A suicide attempt followed a couple of months ago, which is why I stopped writing.

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Librarian Lives. Mostly. · 8:12pm Jul 11th, 2021

Hey everyone, just a quick update on how things are.

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Hiatus · 4:54pm Jun 21st, 2021

Unfortunately, as much I hate to do this, I'm afraid I'm going to have to take a short break from writing. I hope to be back at it as soon as possible, but I can't promise anything. I'm not well. I'll still pop on to the site every now and again to read comments and reply where I can, but I won't be posting anything for a little while so I can try and get my physical and mental health to a manageable level. I'd just like to apologise to my followers for the delay in getting chapters out.

Report Universal Librarian · 254 views ·

Slight Delay · 7:53am Jun 18th, 2021

Due to some slightly unfortunate circumstances, the next chapter is going to be pushed back a week. Apologies for the delay.

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Officially a Fruit Loop · 6:02pm May 17th, 2021

Just an update on my last blog post: after one very bad work shift, an unpleasant situation just after, and one emergency appointment after that, the GP has ordered me to sign off work for a week, then I've got to speak to a psychological analyst the week after. Apparently, 'something isn't right'.

No sh*t.

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