• Member Since 30th Mar, 2018
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago

Universal Librarian

Just a tired Welshman with a penchant for writing. You can also catch me on TikTok! Now with added Ko-Fi!

More Blog Posts20

  • 65 weeks

    Hey, I'd just like to thank everyone who donated and helped me keep a roof over my head this month. I didn't expect anywhere near as swift or complete a response as I got, and I'm reminded of just how awesome a community this fandom is at its core. Seriously, you guys are lifesavers!

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    3 comments · 212 views
  • 65 weeks
    Request for help

    Okay, I despise having to do things like this, but I'm afraid I'm in a bit of a bind and I'm in need of help.

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    4 comments · 480 views
  • 128 weeks
    Bar Beyond Worlds

    Just a little update to note that Fallout Girls is having a crossover chapter with Sunset's Isekai by Wanderer D, go check it out!

    5 comments · 354 views
  • 139 weeks

    Pretty much exactly what it says on the tin, I've set up a little Discord server for anyone who wants to discuss my various fanfics, along with a few generic sections such as artwork, shitposting, nsfw stuff, and gaming.

    If anyone is interested, here's the link: Universal Library

    3 comments · 208 views
  • 141 weeks
    Delay and Desist

    Just a couple of notices for the moment. First, Fallout Girls is going to be delayed for a week as I'm taking a couple of days to recuperate from things.

    Second, I think I've said this before, but as soon as I'm back on form I'll start working on most of my others stories too

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    22 comments · 975 views

Request for help · 2:05am Apr 27th, 2023

Okay, I despise having to do things like this, but I'm afraid I'm in a bit of a bind and I'm in need of help.

As some of you probably already know, I've been having issues with mental and physical health recently, but over the course of the last two months life has come at me and my wife like a freight train, including several hospital visits, interventions from a crisis team, surgeries for our pets, and a host of essential bills and repairs that have all hit at damn near the same time. Thanks to all of that, we've utterly wiped out what little savings we had and now, after everything, we can't afford to meet our rent for this month. Our landlord is, well, a landlord, and isn't interested in the struggles of us mere mortals.

I hate to ask, we know all too well just how much the current financial situation around the world is kicking everyone in the teeth, but if anyone is able to help out in even the smallest way we'd be extremely grateful. I've got a ko-fi link in my profile if anyone is able to help out at all.

Sorry for bothering you all, and thanks for listening.

Universal Librarian.

Report Universal Librarian · 480 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

Okay, you got it. No problem.

You’re welcome!👍

Good luck!

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