• Member Since 7th Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen March 5th

Lancia Delta S4

The only way to fight such madness is with wisdom


There's been a change of plan · 3:29am Aug 12th, 2014

I have decided to make a major change to the story I'm working on writing. I feel the idea still works, but I'm having trouble with the Audi because I don't know the car well enough. So as a result, I will not be sending An R18 E-Tron Quattro to Equestria

In it's place, I will be sending the Action Express no.5 Corvette daytona prototype.

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Thank you so much for Favoriting “From Repair to Despair”.

I’m so glad you enjoyed it.

Please, don’t forget to give the story a Like. As well as a comment if you wish.

This is an Equestria Girls and Three Stooges crossover I made:

From Repair to Despair

I thought I’d show it to you after finding you in the Three Stooges Fan group.

Is your profile picture from Gran Tourismo 5?


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