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Perpetually making my SciSet obsession into your problem


Once upon a time, a fateful visit from Canterlot High students changed Camp Everfree -- and its owners -- forever. Or, at least, Gloriosa assumed that it would. Briefly becoming a megalomaniacal plant monster, and subsequently regaining ownership of the camp that had been her home all her life, surely would've marked a turning point in her life, right?

Several years later, Gloriosa stands on the dock by the lake, hoping her faraway brother will pick up her call. She's had a bad day. Again.

An entry in the Drama and Slice of Life categories for A Thousand Words Contest III. Winner of the Drama Pewter Medal. Pre-read by Dewdrops on the Grass and The Sleepless Beholder.

Featured on 3-5 July 2024!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 15 )

It takes a rare story to make me actually like Timber Spruce.

This accomplished that, in such a short time frame, even though it focuses on Gloriosa. And this story explores her character in a way few stories have, and makes me crave more stories about her.

Well done.

TCC56 #2 · July 3rd · · ·

The lake was calm.

On the other side of it, the trees were calm.

Far away, the mountains were calm.

Everything was too damned calm for Gloriosa Daisy.


Howdy, hi~!

I really liked this character piece. You got a really strong voice for Timber and Gloriosa in this and I love the subtle implications of their shared sibling past. Really moody and fun read, thanks :)

“I’m in this picture and I hate it.”

This quote fits Gloriosa so well. I'm impressed.

Everything about this is just one big mood: from being annoyed by the serenity of nature when you're feeling everything but, to just having to carry on when everything seems to be falling apart.

Nice job, Eileen!

Superbly written as usual, Eileen. I had a really great time with this one. The phone conversation felt extremely fluid and natural, eerily just like a talk I would have with my big sister. Nobody on this site writes the EQG-verse quite like you, and I'm really glad you're helping to keep it alive with quality fiction like this.

Also... a dating app called SaddleUp...

That's genius.

I dont know who these characters are but I think the story is excellent

I wanna hug gloriosa.

“I said I’m going, didn’t I?” Gloriosa violently rolled her eyes. Timber was just so confident in the power of one stupid overanalyzing weirdo in an armchair to fix her. Him pushing her to start again after months of missed appointments had become a near-annual tradition ever since the Gaea Incident.

Makes sense. Sometimes I wonder if Sunset, Sci Twi, or Juniper Montage took it too seeing they went through it similarly. :applejackunsure:

Looking down at the wooden planks, Gloriosa exhaled. “Not really, I’m sure I’ll be talking about it in gruesome detail tomorrow. It was just another dating app ‘perfect match’ that wasn’t. I don’t know why I still use SaddleUp, this is the third dud in a row.”

This is why I don't use or trust dating apps... :pinkiecrazy:

“–a bit much on a first impression.”

You got that right. :rainbowlaugh:

“Look, Glores, it’ll take time to find the right person. I mean, at least you’re putting yourself out there, right? Always a start.”

As someone who's been single for many years, I feel like if you wait til the moment comes, you'll find your special someone. Even if it takes longer than we think, it will happen. :twilightsmile:

“Says the guy who never goes through less than five girlfriends a year.”

Is she implying Timber's no longer with Sci Twi? :unsuresweetie:

“Feels true.” As she glanced toward the phone, bearing her favorite photo of eight-year-old Timber as his caller profile, the eternal thought crossed her mind, and she blurted it. “Wonder what Mom would’ve said.”

That's cute she has that as her profile if Timber. My dad did something similar regarding me in his contacts. :scootangel:

“You got this.”

That never gets old. :trollestia:

“One of these days, we’re gonna feel like adults, right?”

Still waiting for that most days myself.

“I’ve got to be the only person who could become some kind of actual monster and not have it change my life at all.”

How is Juniper Montage doing?

Excellent work with these two. Timber always makes for a fun character when cordoned off from human Twilight, and Gloriosa makes for an great tragic figure when getting everything she wanted. After all, she asked for unchanging stability. Tried to grow a palisade around the camp to ensure it and everything. If nothing else, this shows how she's growing as a person. Still plenty of work to do, but it's progress.

Thank you for this, and best of luck in the judging. (I'm only handling Horror and Experimental this year.)

This is genuinely the first time anyone has ever made me actually care about Gloriosa and Timber, excellent work as always.


Is she implying Timber's no longer with Sci Twi? :unsuresweetie:

That's too bad. They seemed happy together, and Timber found someone other than his sister to share his personal problems with.

It's been a while since I've read a Timber Spruce story submitted to this site, and this one was a pretty good one focused on Gloriosa's sibling relationship with him. And it's exactly 1K words long, so good job.

Hello! Have a review you didn't ask for, and most probably didn't need. But here it is nonetheless.

Spoiler alert: I loved this. Thanks for writing.

Everything was too damned calm for Gloriosa Daisy.

to be fair that is a lot of calm!

“Uh huh. So I’m not supposed to think something’s up when you start talking to me like one of the campers.”

ahaha he knows her too well

Timber was just so confident in the power of one stupid overanalyzing weirdo in an armchair to fix her.

definitely the kind of person who both needs therapy and would be the most resistant to it

“Yeah.” She tapped the board in front of her with her right foot. Still pretty sturdy, four years on. “Why?”

aww im glad the kids we know did a good job in building it! and also technically the camp has been profiting off of unpaid child labor for years i guess? never really thought about that bit until now!

“I could see it in his eyes, Timb. Too hyper. Isn’t it funny, how people always want a partner who’s perky and energetic on the app, and then they meet me in real life and suddenly I’m manic?”

really makes you think about society (also i can fix her)

“Says the guy who never goes through less than five girlfriends a year.”


“One of these days, we’re gonna feel like adults, right?”

weird to think that even this Gloriosa is probably younger than me what is time

“I’ve got to be the only person who could become some kind of actual monster and not have it change my life at all.”

i bet that is definitely not the case! or rather, one can’t expect just one period of turning into an actual monster to solve every existential issue we have forever

Gloriosa was sorely tempted to point out the precise ratios of we applied when it came to maintaining the camp, managing the camp finances, handling bookings, securing supplies, doing laundry, and how that had been growing ever-lopsided since Timber had begun gallivanting off into Canterlot City and eventually to campus in a whole other province…

and oof, that makes too much sense. in the movie Timber is “good” and Gloriosa “bad” but in the balance of adult life this has to be something that grinds away at her 

Calmly, she switched on her flashlight, and carried on.

and aww, good answer for where these characters would end up after the events of the movie, as life goes on and on and on. wonderful stuff, i really feel for them. thank you for writing!

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