• Member Since 5th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen July 4th

Some random Rapidash

A fire horse on a magical horse site, totally original right?!


Next chapter is finally done · 2:38pm January 26th

So, we are officially in new territory, if you remember the old version, we never got to chapter 3 as that is where I got stuck and eventually decided: "I could do this so much better." So, from this chapter onwards it's into the great wide open. Hopefully I don't get bogged down by writer's block for 10 months again.

Random wrestling images

Comments ( 258 )
  • Viewing 254 - 258 of 258

Hello, totally one of me favorite pokemons! :pinkiehappy:

Great account man.

Markiplier approves.

Thanks for the addition of my story to your library. I can only assumed you liked it. If ya did... consider giving the story a like?

  • Viewing 254 - 258 of 258
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