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Review: The Stranger and Her Friend · 7:25am Nov 13th, 2013

War fics irritate me. It's not a matter of their quality, really: most of them are written by competent authors with a reasonable understanding of how to string together a standard fantasy/sci-fi plot. Regardless, there's something inherently uncomfortable to me in the mixture of ponies and violence. Even leaving aside the show's kid-friendly tone, Friendship is Magic's modus operandi has always been the peaceful resolution of conflicts. Even when confrontation is inevitable, foes

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Your reviews are good and I like them. It'd be cool if you ever decided to write more.

Hello again! I just wanted to stop in and say thanks for the Watch! I'll do my best to keep deserving it!:twilightsmile:

I genuinely appreciate your Fave of my story Certain Advantages! I am very happy that you did!:twilightsmile:

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