Hello everyone my name is Kaffeina, previously known as MidnightChaos or The Witching Hour. I'll apologize in advance for the lackluster dialogue and possible spelling mistakes in advance seeing as I am writing this on mobile in quick memo.
[aka FlutterWitch, aka MidnightChaos, aka The Witching Hour]
Apologies everyone but I'm not super into writing for this fandom anymore. There are a variety of reasons, but chief amongst them is that within the past two years reception of my stories, and other's stories as well, has dropped considerably. noble and Free, which is a project I loved working on, only had one comment on its last chapter. (Which was two years ago as were most of my semi-recent posts)
First off, I'm still a broke bitch. I've moved back to my hometown and I'm doing much better than I have been.
Second off. I've lost motivation for most of my fimfic stories. Stolen Soul, NaF, and FVD may still get updates on occasion but the rest of it is highly unlikely it ever will. Why? Because I have watched and read very very little mlp content in months if not years. I still like it, but the fervor of the hayday is gone.
So, the past couple months have been an absolute shitshow of epic proportions. I had to leave school due to a serious issue in regards to teaching, paperwork, and the utter uselessness of the staff. I had a job up until semi-recently but due to matters I could no have affected, mainly in that my cousin is a bloody psychopath, I moved from TN to IA. Now, I have to get a job (already got an interview Friday), get back into school, and try and find a place to live. Doesn't help I'm broke,
Hey everyone, so I know it's been awhile since I've made an actual blog post of some sort but what the heck, I figured I should since I've gotten back into something I've been doing for awhile. If you didn't know, I've been making music for a couple of years now and I'd appreciate feedback and thoughts, if you're into that sort of thing. If you're just here for the fics, that's fine too.
Considering my current circumstances, I would like to let you all know that while I can stream and write without much income, seeing as writing is during my off time, the program I use for music requires a subscription in order to make use of it and download the songs. I had found a way to get around that, but as of late it hasn't worked. If you feel like supporting anything I work on, anyone donating or contributing money will have votes on what I will work on the most or in what particular