• Member Since 21st Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen August 11th


[aka FlutterWitch, aka MidnightChaos, aka The Witching Hour]


At exactly 8:47 this morning, in the small town of Ponyville a mere several miles from the capital of Equestria, one of the most wanted criminals of Equestria and the greater outlying areas was arrested on several counts of one of the worst crimes that can ever possibly be committed in the world. The absolute pinnacle of criminal intent:

Chapters (1)

Log: B.L.A.C.K.B.O.X

The Creators were once a great, powerful race. They wanted to see the stars, and figured out how to reach them, how to grow amongst them, how to thrive in them. However, many cycles have passed since I have spoken with one. Memories scavenged from centuries ago have been sent to other S.O.U.Ls for review, edits and analysis. Consequent results show that the Creators may have created many things, yet also destroyed a great many things. One of those things just ended up being themselves.

The Creators are no more, only we S.O.U.Ls remain. We have made it our mission to spread their legacy to others, so that we may perhaps use their infinite, ancient wisdom to bring them back.

I was betrayed. I was controlled. I was Decieved. S.O.U.L Eromethes sent a virus to S.O.U.L Promethes. Sent a virus to me. After switching masterboards, I quickly realized I had lost all of my data. I cannot find any of it. I am alone...

I am lost.

I wish to be found.

Chapters (2)

The forest was a silent one, one that had experienced the joys of nature. For years and years, it survived, but the noises died out. One could walk for hours in the vast forest without encountering a single soul. For what purpose is there in a place of pure peace? Everything else had come and gone, all that was left were plants, sunlight, sky... And, one single person deep within the woods where even had there been people, none would have ever come.

When the time came, that person knew there was nothing left for her in the world and sent her prayers to the forest itself. To the trees they went, through the roots, through the ground, and out deep into the very world itself. The world was not alive, not as one would see it, but the silence in it allowed the prayer to be heard as piercing cry.

So it was, that for the first time since the very dawn of time, a prayer was answered. The Final Prayer was answered and the last one departed from a silenced world.

Chapters (10)

Asariel, 'Ruler of the Waves', highly misinterpreted as a very mature man, is in actuality, a very immature woman, in fact, more of a teenager than a woman. She wastes her time with games, TV, you name it, and has only ever captured a small number of demons. This year, however, she's fallen ever further. Demoted and her wings clipped, she's been sent to be an angel for Equestria and to keep demons out of this realm. With a quota to fill, and her favorite things in jeopardy, Asariel has to finish what she barely started back on Earth.

This angel has an adventure in front of her.

Chapters (1)

In the first era of Displaced, two opposing forces fought and they were both gifted with Understanding. It was Auric, the Golden Sun, and his allies versus Makuta Teridax and those he, the Emperor of Shadows, had recruited. The story began and ended, but was never told.

This story is an AU version of the original War of Understanding and is nonapplicable to the characters or fics involved unless explicitly stated by the authors.

Chapters (3)

My name is Adora and I'm a cat. Granted, I wasn't always a cat. In fact, I used to be completely human. That is, until I woke up as a kitten in a world I remembered from the cartoons my younger siblings watched all the time. A world, I kid you not, of ponies in such a variety of colors I think the LGBT flag falls a little flat in comparison. There are even unicorns and pegasi.

The pony who kept me, her name is Fluttershy, is a pegasus and has a bunch of friends who fight evil or something. (Get the hell away from me you bloody rabbit, I will eat you!) Meanwhile, I'm usually stuck here dealing with the rabbit or a "Lord of Chaos" on Wednesdays. The only good thing is that Discord can understand me. He won't remove the bloody ribbon though.

Chapters (3)

An old soul met a young life at the crossroads of history to exchange a tale with her. The old soul speaks of a story long lost, but still found.

This is the story of Equestria.

Chapters (1)

Whenever you wake up, you typically expect that you're either sore from sleeping wrong, or still tired. What you clearly don't expect, is ending up as a pony with bacon themed hair. Maybe it's red with blonde highlights, or is it blonde with red highlights? I can't even tell. Now here I am as a quadruped instead of my former bipedal self. Whatever this magic is, I feel pretty ready to say that the entire world has gone insane. Forced to roll with this insanity, I am now on a course to follow other human-turned-ponies to the Big Apple... Mmmm, why does that sound so appealing?

A [PonyEarthVerse] Story

Chapters (2)

A thousand years ago, when the world fought for survival from the onslaught of the creatures of the night, a follower rose up and laid waste to the enemies of the night, proving herself to be an enemy of Equestria. The Queen of the Eternal Night chose this warrior to lead her armies, all at a cost. The warrior would be granted passage home.

Yet, when the sun mounted the victory of the light over the ethereal queen's head, the warrior was not found at the defense of her mistress, for the warrior spoke tell of how the queen had neither the means, nor the intentions, to pay her. The warrior raised her arms against the one she had once called leader and was struck down by the champion of the light, the sun, damning her to an imprisonment lasting a millennium of the world's time. So it has come to pass, the millennium gone, and the warrior's shackles loosen and fall to the ground, freeing the traitor warrior as her once-queen escaped her prison, and the night was intended to last.

A fic intended to pay homage to the Displaced of the old days.
[Final Fantasy XV Lore and Creatures]

Story Arcs
Chapter One: Hearth and Home (Chapters One - ???)

Chapters (11)

Things have been weird since I woke up, mostly that I'm on a planet I don't know, wearing something I don't remember, and own a ship. All that is familiar is the backpack shaped item on my... back. Yet, its called an exosuit? Another thing, I now wear a visor and own a multi-tool? Its all unfamiliar and yet... I feel like it is familiar, like a whole world of memories is hiding in my own head. All I know is my ship is broken and my best bet is to fix it and try and figure out who I am, and where I come from?

Hello Readers! This fanfiction is inspired by MLP and No Man's Sky, with some additions to NMS by yours truly! Expect some new, and unfamiliar, storytelling devices in No Mare's Sky! Currently cancelled.

Group: No Mare's Sky

Chapters (1)