I'm Sorry · 10:33pm May 2nd, 2017
I know DM hasn't updated in far far to long but I'm currently at a point in my life where I just can't devote any time to writing right now. I work a 10 hour day to come home and help my daughter with her home work, make dinner than go to bed. I want to finish Dragon's Might, the story floats around in my head all day at work, but I just don't have the time these days to actually put words to page.
You gonna continue a dragons might?
Scout Sniper, huh?
1971997 My great grandfather was yes. I personally don't hold any political ties.
1971981 then you should tell Cthulhu that this is the symbol of the Schutzstaffel from Nazi Germany https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schutzstaffel
are you a Nazi?
1971883 Cthulhu put me up to it.