• Member Since 28th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 6th, 2020



Gimme all your money! · 10:03pm Oct 3rd, 2012

So a friend has been nagging me all day about how I should take commissions to write fics for people. I told him it was a terrible idea, and other writers don't do it for a reason, but he insists I at least try. I'm making this post to satisfy him: Would you pay a couple bucks for a mediocre writer like me to write a fic for you? It would be up to you what it's about and all that, you can fit as many details as you want.

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Comments ( 7 )
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125896 I'm actually ok with this. :twilightblush:


I will tie you down and force you to read shipfics


125746 So you have. What do you plan to do to me now that you've got me?

I found you Vynce

I found you


Thank you. I joined, I think I could like this group.

And also thanks for the compliment, I hope you like where the story's going.

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