• Member Since 12th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen January 24th

Wandering Quill


50 weeks? Pft. · 5:05pm Jan 17th, 2014

It's not like it's been a while. Y'know, a long while. Almost a year.Please don't kill me.

Not gonna lie, work on LtE has been slow. Hum, stopped-slow. Between college and other (non-literary) projects I've got going on, it got sort of out of hand. Not just that, but I was having the hardest time figuring out how to write this one next chapter.

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Comments ( 41 )
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1786267 I have like, several chunks of another chapter, and have had for a while now, but I just can't find a cohesive way to continue it. Every now and then I do back and add a little more, then review and check if it matches up. Sorry it's taking such a loooooong while, I just don't want to put something half-baked up. |'3

And yes, I do check back here every so often, so I haven't lost much haha

So.. How's writing?

I've gotta be honest with you, I'm commenting here because I love A Link to Equestria. But I'm not here to badger you, I'm just wondering how things are. You know, like how lots of people do. I guess. Anywho, just here to check in, because too many writers start something beautiful then die off, not giving their readers/fans any sort of closure. I'm relieved to see at least you're online from time to time.

1203655 I may as well have, with all the projects I've been having to hand in!

1203604 That is no excuse for the CALAMITY that you have put me through! Seriously! Like, did you die or something!? :pinkiegasp:

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