• Member Since 21st Apr, 2020
  • offline last seen March 24th


A writer who writes for fun and improvement.

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Blog Posts

  • 112 weeks
    RTC Update

    If you've seen my last blog post, you would have known that I've recently begun work again on RTC.

    But what I didn't mention is that I've also decided to partly rework on the other chapters which includes new scenes and some fixes to some things I didn't really like. So far only the Prologue and Chapter One have been completed so you can go check that out right now if you want and I'll have the other chapters done very soon.

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    1 comments · 144 views
  • 113 weeks
    Where I've Been and What I'm Up To

    So it's been quite some time huh? I've been gone for like almost a year, so I might as well explain why I was gone for so long.

    The simple answer is school. I've had to quite a bit when it came to school, so I've had barely anytime to be active on here aside from the occasional log in and look around. But now that school is just almost over for me, I finally have the chance to start doing stuff on here again.

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  • 159 weeks
    Artfight And Junk

    Guess who's doing Artfight this year?

    I don't really need to say it since you already know.

    I'm trying Artfight this year. Come attack me if you want.

    I'm also still working of stuff, I'm just focusing on Artfight right now but I promise I'll get something out this month.

    1 comments · 92 views
  • 162 weeks
    God I hate Spotify Ads

    Don’t you just love it when your writing some music while listening to music and then suddenly a ad starts? I know the feeling way to well.

    Like please I don’t want the damn bts meal McDonalds I just want to listen to some Lemon Demon for once!

    Sorry for the mini rant. (Btw, new Five Score chapter tomorrow.)

    0 comments · 94 views
  • 169 weeks
    Happy Late 1 Year Anniversary!

    I know I’m late by three days but this week is my one year anniversary of being on this website!

    I can’t believe it’s already been one year since I decided to start to write fanfics!

    Speaking of fanfics, I’ve been working and I’m hoping to get something out soon.

    0 comments · 115 views

RTC Update · 8:29pm Jun 1st, 2022

If you've seen my last blog post, you would have known that I've recently begun work again on RTC.

But what I didn't mention is that I've also decided to partly rework on the other chapters which includes new scenes and some fixes to some things I didn't really like. So far only the Prologue and Chapter One have been completed so you can go check that out right now if you want and I'll have the other chapters done very soon.

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Report Eevee932 · 144 views · Story: Five Score: Returning To Class ·
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