• Member Since 15th Mar, 2012
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For Equestria!


Opaline Arcana has stolen Sunny's Dad's book and has lead the mane six on a chase to a pre-war bunker in Manehattan. Whatever she is up to, it can't be good. Sunny must confront Opaline and ponykind's past by herself.

Written as a "What if" scenario. Not related to Fallout: Equestria.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 22 )

That was some very, very clever twist.

:facehoof:. Great story. Still very stupid.

I'm glad you... liked it?

I love it. The idea is just stupid. But in a good way.

Oooh. Okay. Admittdly, this is why it's okay for a short story but a terrible premise for a longer one. It'd be too mean and cheap.

I'm just laughing imagining G5 doing something similar, presenting the events of G4 as mere cartoons of old. It would be a pretty ballsy move that would put the community in a similar distraught as poor Sunny.

Great job, I would like to see this story expanded, but I would understand if you decide to leave it as a one off story.

"Not related to fallout equestria"
Now i wanna see a g5 version of fallout equestria!

That's one heck of an idea, G4 just being the pony equivalent of Sesame Street ! good story

I have to say, as far as meta-fics go, this is easily one of my favorites. The twist is so hilarious and yet surprisingly obvious in hindsight, and actually works really when played straight. Please, have a Derpy: :derpytongue2:

I’d like to see this story be official, if only to watch the brony community go into complete meltdown.

This is so meta. I love it!

I also very much approve of Darth Opaline. ^^

This was an entertaining yarn with a satisfying twist at the end. Although other stories have used the narrative concept of Twilight Sparkle's story being turned into a TV show that Sunny used to watch as a kid as a piece of background material, this is the first time I've seen it incorporated into the plot.

We already know it's a work of fiction.
What drama is there is making a work of fiction, a work of fiction?

Comment posted by WindSprinter deleted Jan 17th, 2024
Comment posted by WindSprinter deleted Jan 17th, 2024

To new readers: this contains enough spoilers to the fic that tagging them all would destroy the flow of my inane banter, viewer discretion is advised.

"Argyle never told you what happened to your mother..."

"He told me enough! he said she passed away before she could know me"

"Argyle lied... QUEEN HAVEN IS YOUR MOTHER!!!"

"That can't be true!"

"well... she might not be, I did see him spend a LOT of time "researching" the populace of Bridalwood. He mentioned something about Alphabittle getting the "sloppy seconds" from his wife, what you modern ponies call homecooked meals is honestly baffling to me"

"buh.. wuh..."

"Regardless, you are likely half-sisters with some of your friends, and you might want to get that checked before finalizing your suitors"

"excuse me what!?"

"Now now, there's no shame in admitting it, an astute researcher of Twilight such as yourself should have no issue forming a respectable harem for herself"

"They're just my friends! I wouldn't make them do that, besides, Twilight was only ever platonically involved with the others"

"Oh, your one of those, you'd think that years of progress would let some of those prejudice beliefs die, sure tribalism still exists but I was hoping ponies wouldn't judge relationships based on gender so much they omit the important parts of history, be it fictional history."

"What are you talking about? First of all I don't mind which ponies like other ponies, don't put words up my muzzle. Secondly, I'll have you know my father and I are VERY thorough with our research and we never had any direct confirmation that Twilight ever "spent time" with anypony. Even if it was a show that wouldn't be something they would mention if young fillies and colts were watching!"

"Ugh, read between the lines, or at least pretend you know what your talking about, the writers obviously were implying she was exploring "friendship with benifts" between the rest of the mane 6, personally I think it Pinkie Pie had first dibs"

"Pinkie!? Oh now I know your making this up! Pinkie had to be the one she argued with the most! Rarity is a much more likely candidate- er... that is she would be if this wasn't a completely delusional assumption!"

"They definitely argued on occasion, which made the make-up festivities much more intense... Hmmm.. Rarity wouldn't be my last pick, but it's definitely not my top 2 pairings.

"Oh yeah? which one of her friends could possibly usurp Raritw- I mean what dumb hypothetical matchmaking would be better than my properly deduced choice?, don't tell me it's Applejack"

"How DARE YOU!!! I'll have you know tha-"

Both mares continued to argue about nonsensical shipping of cartoon ponies while Sunny's friends had long caught up with her and were sitting a little ways away watching. Izzy brought along some popcorn. Everypony was too busy listening to the trainwreck of a villain/hero banter session to ask where it came from.

"Huh, never knew Sunny could care so much about historical romance"

"Just be glad Nopony does that with the six of us Hitch" Said Izzy "could you imagine how upset they would be if they were hoping for me and Sunny to get together because of a few minor nice gestures only for some NEW face to steal the spotlight despite only being friendly? trust me they would eat that poor stallion alive, or mare, I'm not gonna judge.

And far beyond the instance depicted, a disgruntled brony was sobbing.


People tend to become attached to certain things, some more than others, if that weren't the case we wouldn't have anyone making a fuss when the precepts of a fictional world don't line up with the imagined ones.

I totally believe that after the fuss some people made after it was said that G5 is a direct sequel to G4, those same people (and some others for sure) would make a new fuss if they then delegitimized G4 as just an old cartoon in G5.

Because it would be a sign of insecurity and immaturity of the new writers, feeling they need to disown the previous works so people will focus on their work instead.

I feel if handled carefully (it probably wouldn't be) it would be a bit of a side-step: G5 is just another pony world, one where G4 was just a TV show like it was here. It doesn't change the fact it could change their world if they embrace the values in it. It would be about a celebration of how the things we believe in can change the world: belief in a better world for the next generation, belief in the best qualities of humanity, or even a belief in unicorns and cartoon shows.
Just like how they can change our world. <3

Also Argyle is *such* a brony with the sideburns and Twilight Sparkle cutie mark necklace. When we first got that animatic of him showing Sunny G4 I thought G5 was going to go meta like in my short story. It would have been interesting if they tried to use Argyle as a self-insert for the audience that's getting older and at the having kids/almost old enough to have kids age (a lot of my pony friends are in their early 30's now) yet kept the focus on Sunny Starscout and had Argyle been the one to encourage her and be a moral G4 guidance to her. :twilightsmile:

G5 could have benefited from keeping Argyle alive.

I prefer Opaline to be Sunny's mother

True, but that would have been much to obvious.

This is a great idea for the twist of the story of G5. Even if the canon ruined this theory by many factor.

But you know, I think there is a better idea how to approach this concept. Like, Opaline is a wise and powerful unicorn in the past who live in the time where three tribe of pony at war with each other.

Opaline idolize in the fairy tale book story of G4 and Twilight Sparkle and want to make that ideal world in the book become reality. But she false badly, with rage and heartbreak. She decide to seal all magic in the land in the Unity Crystal she made which manage to stop the war and make three tribe pony isolate itself from each other. But the side effect of doing so cause her to become an Alicorn.

Now, able to stop the war. She decide to make a long time plan to make her dream come true. She went to hide each Unity Crystal separatly and put a trial for who she expect to play the role of 'Mane 6' in far future. Put the fake record of Twilight into it. Than, she went everywhere to place the fake history item made from the G4 fairy tale. Maybe even with help from a little dragon she found on the journey and she name him after her farvorite dragon in the book she hold dear. A dragon who later become a dragon lord and gladly to help playing a part of her plan.

Than, she went into hiding and waiting...for several moon until the arrival of the perfect cadidate of 'Mane 6' appeared. Now, with the protagonist on the board. She know what they need and what she must do. They need a villain. In order to unite the three tribe of pony, what they need is a common enemy which she willing to accept that role, sacrifice herself and brace the hate of the world to make her dream finally come true.

And that is my idea that was insprade by your story. I never write a comment this long before but your story deserve it. ^w^

Ps. Sorry for broken English by the way. It's not my native language.

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