• Member Since 5th Nov, 2022
  • offline last seen July 11th

Drunk Luna

Everypony’s favorite alcoholic alicorn.

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  • 60 weeks
    I Got Married!

    Hi everyone,

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    9 comments · 304 views
  • 66 weeks
    My favorite story

    Y’all wanna know what the most fun story for me to write was? Splish Splash by miles. Just wanted to put that out there.

    1 comments · 138 views
  • 67 weeks
    Life is Happening

    Hi, y’all.

    I am writing this from my bed. I had my wisdom teeth removed today, so I have a mouthful of gauze, I’m bleeding, and I can’t feel my tongue nor my lips. I’m taking a break from attempting to eat popsicles without sucking on them to avoid dry socket. Do y’all know how hard it is not to suck on a popsicle? It’s really hard.

    Yesterday I had my first wedding dress fitting, which was so much fun. Everything is falling into place.

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    1 comments · 182 views
  • 68 weeks
    More Slices of Life?

    Okay y’all, I have an important question: What do you guys like better, my short stories or my longer works? What would you like to see more of?

    1 comments · 160 views
  • 68 weeks
    You Asked, So You Have Received

    My dearest readers,

    A few weeks ago, I asked if y’all would be interested in reading a second PLAOFW. Many of you said that you would. I heard you, and I delivered.

    The new anthology that I am working on contains stories of foals that Luna escorts to the afterlife. These are the saddest stories in my opinion for a few obvious reasons:

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    1 comments · 168 views

I Got Married! · 1:42am Jun 1st, 2023

Hi everyone,

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Report Drunk Luna · 304 views ·
Comments ( 6 )
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Look this image of book of Alicorn of Zipp en My Little Pony Make Your Mark chapter 4 beside the image of the same book with inverted colors scontent.fccp6-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/356235257_2136998983171031_95634677061679000_n.jpg?_nc_cat=106&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5cd70e&_nc_ohc=oROqYja2e8gAX_Fc3kG&_nc_zt=23&_nc_ht=scontent.fccp6-1.fna&oh=00_AfBpSXxc0slS4uUCEkNEHk9xZeVzuhSL9XC_FLbtQow66g&oe=649F1BA5
the Alicorn of cover of book with the colors inverted it looks like to the Queen Opaline, this makes me believe that Queen Opaline is a corrupted version of an Alicorn. It turned out to be more dangerous than Nightmare Moon because she was stealing magic from others, but before Queen Opaline managed to steal all the magic Twilight managed to seal all the magic and also banish her out of where the ponies lived, so that in the future a group of ponies will purify Queen Opaline like Princess Celestia did to purify Nightmare Moon. Before all the magic was sealed away Queen Opaline managed to banish Twilight, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna among other inhabitants of Equestria to another place, as she did Nightmare Moon by banishing Princess Celestia to the moon in reality where she won.

Where did you get that pfp from?

Hey Luna :)

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