• Member Since 3rd Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen March 23rd


Greetings everybody! I am a new writer who tries to create some amusement. I enjoy writing and reading stories, if you enjoy my stories give them some support and join the shadow army (=my followers).

A bit of information

The home of the Outsider and all the chaos that has something to do with him. That's quite a lot of chaos actually, but all for your entertainement. So feel free to look around.

If you like what you see, perhaps you would like to help a guy like me grow a bit on fimfiction.

A couple of ways to do so:
-Follow me.
-Make some publicity for some of my work (by example add a story of mine to your featured stories on your own user page or give it a shout out in one of your own stories).
-Add my story to your favorites.

All are completely free to do and it would really help a guy like me out a lot. That's about all I have to say for the time being.

Thanks for reading this text and if you decide to do anything to support me thanks in advance. If you feel the need to tell me something that has nothing to do with a story or it's a bit too sensitive for the comment box feel free to PM me.


Happy New year!!!!! · 11:42pm Dec 31st, 2014

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! I hope that 2014 was for all of you a good year and I hope that 2015 will be even a better.

I unfortunately already start out with bad news. My editor has recently told me that he wished to stop editing my story because of some personal stuff. I am still working out the details on that stuff, seeing as it are holidays for me too, I am not too keen on hurrying through that process.

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Report TheShadowOfZama · 473 views · Story: Rise of a Revolution ·
Comments ( 6 )
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If you don't continue your revolution story...

I-I'm going too say the n-word

I BEEN A YEAR AND A HALF WHEN ARE GOING TO FINISH Rise of a Revolution please !!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for favoriting Sombra Omega :twilightsmile:

happy holidays and no can see your stories right now because you stop why.

Reply to your comment on Greene Fields: Eh, I never found the comics a good reason. Oh no, Alex went on a world tour and saw bad things, and so he lost faith in humanity. That makes no sense. If witnessing the things Blackwatch did in Manhattan didn't make him lose faith - seriously, they did some fucked up shit - then the things in the comics wouldn't make him blink; he did worse, after all.

And besides, he's consumed thousands of people, so just looking in their memories would show him why 'humanity is stagnant' is wrong.

The Elements, if fired, wouldn't really care about the evolved. Just as they cleansed all of Discord's chaos, and purged the world of Redlight, they'd find the evolved wherever they were hiding. Evolved in their entirety is kinda nonsense; Blacklight is a kill-everything-that-moves virus, not a superpowers-virus.

And besides, Mercer is Blacklight, not Redlight. His strain is much better at killing than converting, and while he could no doubt find some way to mimick Redlight he's much better at simply releasing it to kill everything in an area... roughly the size of Penn Station. It's so deadly it can't find new hosts in time, so Blacklight can't spread too far before it loses momentum. There's a reason why, in the game, you see NO signs of infection until Greene escapes.

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