• Member Since 21st Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 11th, 2018

Keeper of Jericho

Just a Scarecrow.

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Sometimes you just can't do anything but sigh and shake your head · 3:32pm Oct 14th, 2014

"Twilight's Kingdom" won the vote on Equestria Daily for best episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

By a landslide.

You know those moments where you think your faith in humanity has hit rock bottom, only for the universe to prove you wrong by dragging it down even deeper? Yeah, I'm having one of those now.

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Report Keeper of Jericho · 1,054 views ·
Comments ( 66 )
  • Viewing 62 - 66 of 66

A damn shame we never saw the end of your story... and that you haven't been here since 2018...

So many great stories are written here, so many stories that are without compare... and yet so little come to their end...

I have to say, the cancellation of Wings of Tomorrow makes me really sad because not only was it a great story but it managed to show the moral grayness of war without sacrificing the heroes own morality and making each decision they make realistic, you can see Rainbow going ballistic because not only does she thinks her friends die but she put them in that situation in the first place. While I understand losing faith in the show after what they did to it (It hurt to watch Twilight become an alicorn) I just really wish the story was at least wrapped up as canceled stories are always sad.

Just for the epic music alone you get a follow.

It's taken from the cover of the music album "The Scarecrow" by Avantasia, one of my favourite albums ever composed.

The Scarecrow

Dude love your avater. If you don't mind were did you get it?

  • Viewing 62 - 66 of 66
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