• Member Since 24th Jan, 2020
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday

Mint Essence

Brony from 2012, fimfic reader from 2014, fimfic writer from 2020

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Blog Posts

  • 125 weeks
    Ukraine Donation Appeal

    Before I post this I want to say that you should do some research into any organisation that you donate to, as there are likely to be a lot of smaller “charities” out there right now trying to scam well intentioned people out of their money.

    I won’t provide any links. Have a good look for charities that you agree with and seem reputable.

    (Copy and pasted effort post I wrote)

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    3 comments · 194 views
  • 130 weeks
    Gay Collab

    Recently me and one of my closest friends have made a romantic fic together. It’s really short and sweet, so I would appreciate if any of my followers could go over and check it out, and hopefully follow him.


    5 comments · 144 views
  • 131 weeks
    New Attempt, New Me

    So as you may have noticed I recently changed my name and avatar.

    While I’m simply experimenting with my avatar to see what looks best (I’d really appreciate any opinions on my current one) this is the name that I’ve been using for a good 4 years now on every other pony related site and platform, so it’s what I’ll be using here too from now on.

    I hope this sudden change causes no major confusion.

    11 comments · 229 views
  • 131 weeks
    Weird Little Objects

    What kind of weird little things do you guys have?

    You know the ones. Something completely random you stumbled across one day. Something of absolutely no value or interest to anyone but yourself. A strange curiosity, a mystery you held onto for months, possibly even years for no other reason than it fascinates you, or did so for a brief moment sometime.

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    1 comments · 162 views
  • 225 weeks
    100,000 Words

    Yesterday I just reached 100,000 total words with the release of the first in what will be a series of short stories.

    I hope to get up at least 100,000 words and 10 stories within the next month, most of which should come from more shorts and commissions.

    Expect another ~5,000 word story to come out later on today.

    5 comments · 181 views

Ukraine Donation Appeal · 2:08pm Feb 26th, 2022

Before I post this I want to say that you should do some research into any organisation that you donate to, as there are likely to be a lot of smaller “charities” out there right now trying to scam well intentioned people out of their money.

I won’t provide any links. Have a good look for charities that you agree with and seem reputable.

(Copy and pasted effort post I wrote)

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Report Mint Essence · 194 views ·
Comments ( 65 )
  • Viewing 61 - 65 of 65

Thanks for the favorite! :pinkiehappy:

May the Lord Jesus save you, and then guide, protect, and watch over you :twilightsmile:

Thank you very much for checking out my pride and joy "Elements Change the Dark Hearts". I certainly hope you enjoy the story, and if you did, perhaps check out my anthology semi-sequel "Beautiful Stories for Ugly Children", and my side story "Sworn Through Swords", which stars The Great and Powerful Trixie. Neither are complete, but I could always use a little feedback in the form of thoughts and critiques to keep me motivated to write more.

I don't normally respond to people adding my fics to their folders (though considering how many fanfic authors send thank-you comments for that sort of thing, that could be poor etiquette on my part). But what exactly is your BC folder for?

  • Viewing 61 - 65 of 65
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