• Member Since 23rd Jul, 2015
  • offline last seen Mar 21st, 2016

Bumblebee Tuner

I'm the son of a rogue and a social worker with a college degree and artistic license. The only people I don't get along with are autocratic dictators who think they're God, or know the will of God.

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Review: Army of Darkness RPG Take 2 · 8:11am Mar 10th, 2016

Let me start by saying I have three more chapters to read in this monstrosity before I can say I've read the whole thing cover to cover. Those chapters being ..Ash Rules'' from Wiseman's heads up display through the battle system and ..Once more into the breach.'' Let me just mention If I ever buy a book from Eden Studios again it will be softcover. I'll admit I liked 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' and the spin off 'Angel Investigations' Tv Series' enough to buy a hardcover omnibus collection

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You're welcome. Although I still haven't read it, I was reminded I wanted to read it with the recent Batsy Fluffentuft update... the read it later folder has been filling up a lot actually. So many stories sound like they would be exceptional reads.

I wish you the best of luck.

Tnx for the follow bee!!! Its really appreciated :twilightsmile:I'm not writing yet but I will eventually

  • Viewing 28 - 32 of 32
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