• Member Since 25th May, 2015
  • offline last seen Dec 26th, 2018

Just A Random Pegasus

I'm just a random user who writes a lot of different ideas that pop into my strange mind, and ships almost everything imaginable.


Hmmmmmmmmm · 2:38am Nov 21st, 2018

So I know I said this like a year ago now, but I may finally be coming back to this site to write. Knowing my luck, stuff will get super busy the day after I make this (I joke but I think that's the exact thing that happened last year lmao), but here's to hoping for the better.

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1st Day of Christmas! · 10:10pm Dec 1st, 2017

Hey, it's fitting that I come back on the first day of advent, so I can post a Christmas pony for you all!

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I Guess I'm Back? · 10:07pm Dec 1st, 2017

Hello everyone! I know I have been gone for a while (since early August I think? That's been... a long time :rainbowderp:) and I would like to explain why.

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Searching for Proofreaders! · 9:40pm Jul 27th, 2017

Hello, everyone! I'm writing a new one-shot that wormed its way into my brain earlier, and would love to have a few proofreaders review my story. If you like proofreading and would like to help out, comment below! You will be credited in the description of my story, and I will also (hopefully) find a way to integrate one of your OCs into one of my stories if you wish to (sort of) repay you.

Thanks in advance! :pinkiehappy:

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Chosen Love Doodles · 2:25am Jul 18th, 2017

Hello! :pinkiehappy: For whatever reason, I had a huge urge to draw some little things tonight, and ended up doodling some Chosen Love characters that I thought you might like to see!

If you are not caught up, don't look! There's some spoilers!

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New Story · 2:33pm Jun 24th, 2017

Hello, everyone! In case you missed it yesterday, I posted a new story!

Applejack thought she would never give a foe of hers, Flim, a chance to prove himself. However, she soon learns that hearts can change, just like ponies can.
Just A Random Pegasus · 29k words  ·  36  1 · 2k views

This story is a side story to my other story, Chosen Love, but it is not required to read that story to enjoy this one! It's a sappy love story with a more unusual pairing, and if you like that, check it out and leave a comment! (I need feedback haha :twilightblush:)

Also, Applejack.

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Pride Month · 6:34pm Jun 1st, 2017

For those who don't already know, today has been the first day of pride month. Since I feel all sentimental, I'm going to reflect on what pride in general means to me and how much I love this month.

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2 Years · 8:29pm May 25th, 2017

As of today, I've been on this site two years. Honestly, it feels like it's been longer than that.

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New Story! · 7:06pm May 23rd, 2017

Yesterday, I came up with a small idea for a new story and spent a few hours writing it! It's a slice of life comedy called A Burdening Royal Discussion, and is about Twilight meeting the very, like the title says, burdening king from llamaland. If you need a pick me up or just want to chuckle, why don't you give it a read? :twilightsmile:

Thanks! :pinkiehappy:

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Marble's Section Begins! · 6:03pm May 21st, 2017

In case you've missed the update for Chosen Love earlier...

It's Marble's turn!

With this section comes an unusual pairing, and I plan it to be more dynamic than the other sections. And, for that reason, it will probably be the longest arc of the story.

Expect updates rather quickly. I've been waiting the entire story to write Marble, so I'm quite excited for it! :pinkiehappy:

Report Just A Random Pegasus · 333 views ·