My Inspiration
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My Best Work, Despite its Unpopularity. (BTW its Appledash if you're into that kinda thing)
The Purpose of Dreaming Applejack goes to Rainbow after she gets laid off from the wonderbolts, by TimesX 5,721 words · 56 · 1
I've read your Meet the Parents and I think its amazing! I've read many fanfics on this site and I find this one to be the best that I read so far. I ask you for your permission to let me make an animation film of it for my Brony YouTube channel!
Thank God. That explains everything.
Well, good to know!
Yeah, I'm alive, I've just been studying for a medical exam I'm taking this October hahaha. I read and browse fimfic but I usually don't have the time to write :(
(pokes author with a stick) Hey, you still alive? It's been a while since you updated anything.
I enjoy your work, darling. Do keep it up! <3