• Member Since 20th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen July 9th


CvBrony here, you can call me Cv ("cee vee"). My wife poked me hard enough to try the show, and a bit later, here I am. Now with Patreon!


Where I've been... · 9:52am March 4th

It’s getting harder to write with swype (pain-wise) for some reason. I’m thinking of going back to voice, although there’s still the hesitancy I feel due to the pain reaction. Whenever I think of writing, there’s the anticipation of pain, and it makes me procrastinate like no one’s business. Writing with voice isn’t much help because of how fast my voice hurts from it (I really have to enunciate for the software). But, I’m going to keep trying. Hopefully in the near future I can get a new

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Progress Report - and bonus art!! · 3:50am Sep 4th, 2021

The moving process has been delayed due to work dragging their feet on the transfer. Oh, also, the old car I was borrowing from a friend finally gave up and died. Wife and I finally got a vehicle of our own and Sweet Celestia's Beard insurance is expensive in Alberta. Hopefully the move gets done soon.

But hey, here's some bonus stuff! Reader Celestilune made some RoA iPad Wallpapers for you lovely pones!

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I'm alive! · 3:57am May 1st, 2021

Chap isn't done yet but it's getting there. Did 1000 words just tonight, going to shoot for similar tomorrow.

Thanks again for sticking with me!

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A community member is in dire need of your help! · 7:26am Feb 11th, 2021


I'll just copy/paste the explanation from Aragon.

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Good news bad news · 12:27am Feb 1st, 2021

Good news! The chap is written and off to the editors as of today. As soon as it's done, it'll be posted, no matter where in the month it is. Shall start writing on the next chapter immediately!

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Ugh my back · 5:27am Jan 1st, 2021

OK, so, I somehow fell into a job at the start of the month, and it's largely done on my feet for up to eight hours at a time. On top of that, I threw out my back and it hurts like crazy. I've been very lucky on my shifts so far, as my back has been in a decent state for them but oh man does it get bad right after. I was even in the ER the other day. Thus, writing has been slow, and I need to delay a bit more. But, I am going to press on. Thankfully, the job is part time, so I still have

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Gonna need more time, but... · 4:01am Dec 1st, 2020

Yup, November wasn't very productive writing-wise. Spent a lot of it looking for a new place to live to no avail, so it looks like we're staying put for a year or so while I look for work to get some income.

That being said, the next chapter of DI only needs a small add-on and editing. Would you guys like me to focus on that, as it might be released sooner, or just finish out the next chap of RoA ASAP?


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Surprise! It's time for more Designing Intrigue! · 4:41am Oct 1st, 2020

Folks wanted to see this since a recent-ish chapter of RoA featured Rarity, so I figured it's time to resurrect the side story for at least a chap! RoA will be returning at the end of the October, barring something crazy.

Thanks again for sticking with me!

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Good news, bad news time · 5:49am Sep 1st, 2020

The bad news is I need some more time. The good news is that the next chap to be posted is written already, we're just waiting on editing.

ALSO good news, my wife and I have started work on our own webcomic! It's still a ways from being launched, but the outlining of the story is well under way. I'm doing the writing, and she's drawing because I can't draw for crap.

Thanks again for sticking with me!

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bad news, good news time · 6:47am Jul 1st, 2020

Bad news is I need more time to finish the chap. The good news is that lately I've started to get into a better groove with voice dictation. I still can't do more than ~1k ish a day with it at most because my voice gives out, but the neurons in my head have finally started to rearrange themselves to make it easier to think and dictate at the same time. So, hopefully this chap will get posted soon and then from then on things will be more regular and clockwork. Hopefully.


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