• Member Since 20th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 19th, 2024


CvBrony here, you can call me Cv ("cee vee"). My wife poked me hard enough to try the show, and a bit later, here I am. Now with Patreon!

More Blog Posts394

  • 45 weeks
    Where I've been...

    It’s getting harder to write with swype (pain-wise) for some reason. I’m thinking of going back to voice, although there’s still the hesitancy I feel due to the pain reaction. Whenever I think of writing, there’s the anticipation of pain, and it makes me procrastinate like no one’s business. Writing with voice isn’t much help because of how fast my voice hurts from it (I really have to enunciate

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    13 comments · 814 views
  • 176 weeks
    Progress Report - and bonus art!!

    The moving process has been delayed due to work dragging their feet on the transfer. Oh, also, the old car I was borrowing from a friend finally gave up and died. Wife and I finally got a vehicle of our own and Sweet Celestia's Beard insurance is expensive in Alberta. Hopefully the move gets done soon.

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    13 comments · 1,645 views
  • 194 weeks
    I'm alive!

    Chap isn't done yet but it's getting there. Did 1000 words just tonight, going to shoot for similar tomorrow.

    Thanks again for sticking with me!

    7 comments · 571 views
  • 205 weeks
    A community member is in dire need of your help!


    I'll just copy/paste the explanation from Aragon.

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    19 comments · 1,507 views
  • 207 weeks
    Good news bad news

    Good news! The chap is written and off to the editors as of today. As soon as it's done, it'll be posted, no matter where in the month it is. Shall start writing on the next chapter immediately!

    10 comments · 584 views

A community member is in dire need of your help! · 7:26am Feb 11th, 2021


I'll just copy/paste the explanation from Aragon.

I can't afford to be cute or to have a long intro before getting to the meat of the matter: SweetBanana has been kicked off her house by her own parents after coming out as trans. She has set up a GoFundMe campaign to basically fund her way out of a death sentence.

Because, I'll be blunt here, that's what this is. We're in the middle of a global pandemic that's killing hundreds of thousands in the US alone, half of that country is going through an ongoing cold front and snow levels I hadn't seen in a decade, and SweetBanana has been deprived of a house, a car, an insurance, and any kind of safety net whatsoever. If she catches pneumonia, she doesn't have the means to get medical treatment, or to go to a hospital -- both literally and financially speaking; again, no car, no insurance -- and if she catches COVID, that's the end of the road.

So, please. If you can spare even a couple dollars, consider donating to the campaign. If you can't, spread the word so other people may see it; here's, once again, a link to the GoFundMe campaign. Every bit helps.

If you can't donate, signal boost. If you can donate, do so, then signal boost.


Report CvBrony · 1,507 views · Story: Rites of Ascension ·
Comments ( 19 )

Thank you for boosting the signal!

Err, wait a second. In a blog from that same user, SweetBanana said this (talking about himself at the time of the blog's posting, November 2020):

His alt-right behavior had ostracized him from several communities, and the urge to belong was even stronger now that he no longer had parents to rely on, crappy as they may have been.

This doesn't quite match up, plus there's a lot of statements there about not getting along with the parents for years due to political beliefs.

Not getting along with your parents is not the same as them kicking you out; they were in bad terms before, now they straight up told her she can't live with them anymore and wrote her name off their insurance. It's not contradiction, it's escalation.

The blog you're quoting is about her not having a community to depend on emotionally, to satisfy her social needs -- basically, friends, family, anything of the sorts. That was fucked enough, but then it just got worse, which is the current situation.


Not getting along with your parents is not the same as them kicking you out; they were in bad terms before ... It's not contradiction, it's escalation.

Weird, the most recent blog and responses indicate this came out of the blue apropos of nothing because "I'm trans and the parents are just terrible people". What you're saying here (the part in the quote), and what was posted in the blog I linked, is not mentioned in the most recent blog, the one that's being signal boosted.

The blog you're quoting is about her not having a community to depend on emotionally, to satisfy her social needs -- basically, friends, family, anything of the sorts. That was fucked enough, but then it just got worse, which is the current situation.

According to the blog I linked, things actually got much better socially and financially from his perspective, contrary to what you're saying. This was just before that part I quoted:

Then, Richard entered the workforce properly and began to have his own money.

And a bit after:

A changed man, a man, who with a push provided from the members of this lovely community, clawed his way out of the alt-right.

I'm a very detail-oriented person, so when the details don't match up, it sticks out to me and makes me wonder, "Why don't the details match up?" Do you know why?


Weird, the most recent blog and responses indicate this came out of the blue apropos of nothing because "I'm trans and the parents are just terrible people".

The blog literally says "it went as expected, they kicked me out, but due to circumsntances I wasn't able to hide it anymore, so I had to try anyway".

I'm a very detail-oriented person, so when the details don't match up, it sticks out to me and makes me wonder, "Why don't the details match up?" Do you know why?

Mate, are you genuinely not getting it or are you fucking with me here.

She was in a good financial position up till she got kicked out of the house, which immediately multiplied her expenses, and what was enough money then is not enough money now. She didnt get along with her parents, then fell off the alt right, discovered a new community, felt included, came out as trans, parents kicked her out.

The situation varying from november to now is not contradictions or details not adding up, it's this thing called "the passage of time", maybe you've heard of it.

I'm sure you routinely championing the alt right side of this website and everything that implies has nothing to do with this discussion we're having and you're totally arguing in good faith, but by all means, keep proclaiming you don't quite get how to read the calendar, it's helping your point a lot.

I sadly don't have the capacity to offer any monetary contributions.... HOWEVER, once they find some longterm temporary lodging... The USPS across the country is desperate for workers. Starting pay even for part time work is fantastic. If they need a license, if they're anywhere between Western Wisconsin and the Twin Cities, I'll help them study and get their license.


Mate, are you genuinely not getting it or are you fucking with me here.


I'm sure you routinely championing the alt right side of this website and everything that implies has nothing to do with this discussion we're having and you're totally arguing in good faith, but by all means, keep proclaiming you don't quite get how to read the calendar, it's helping your point a lot.

I pointed out things not matching up from an extremely toxic, racist, and dishonest person who is literally shoving his hand in peoples' faces saying "give me money", while there are a plethora of actually good people in need of the limited help that can be given. You seem to just want to slap incorrect labels onto me to justify blustering through that and turn this into something it's not, conveniently trying to deflect the conversation and make it about me. I choose not to feed your victim complex, but I do take your response as tacit admission that you see the same discrepancies as I do but ignore them to make this a "them and us" issue for yourself. Out of respect for CV, and out of common decency, I'm not going to continue our "conversation" here when you're obviously set to turn this into mudslinging. Best of luck. :twilightsmile:

Well thats a shit thing for a parent to do.

Yes. What's your point? I'm somehow a racist for saying Trump is a senile grifter with a shitty spray tan that gives him the complexion of an orange? That I'm somehow 'awful' for saying you're a homunculi that only shows his hairy ass whenever he's licking the toes of Tittysparkle or whatever alt-right-commentator of the week is spewing their cat-shit fetid nonsense?

Also nice misgendering. You might claim it's not you Wydril that's bitching about me on 4chan. But being 'anonymous' doesn't work when you talk and bitch the exact same way you do on this site.

Now do everyone on this website a favor and fuck off. Preferably back to Titty's discord where you, Cyrosite, Pharynx and the rest of the basket-cases can fret about how Joe Biden is going to take your guns and penises or whatever batshit you subscribe to.


Yes. What's your point? I'm somehow a racist for saying Trump is a senile grifter with a shitty spray tan that gives him the complexion of an orange? That I'm somehow 'awful' for saying you're a homunculi that only shows his hairy ass whenever he's licking the toes of Tittysparkle or whatever alt-right-commentator of the week is spewing their cat-shit fetid nonsense?

Also nice misgendering. You might claim it's not you Wydril that's bitching about me on 4chan. But being 'anonymous' doesn't work when you talk and bitch the exact same way you do on this site.

Now do everyone on this website a favor and fuck off. Preferably back to Titty's discord where you, Cyrosite, Pharynx and the rest of the basket-cases can fret about how Joe Biden is going to take your guns and penises or whatever batshit you subscribe to.

Like I said 5452574:

I pointed out things not matching up from an extremely toxic, racist, and dishonest person who is literally shoving his hand in peoples' faces saying "give me money"

And like I also said:

Out of respect for CV, and out of common decency, I'm not going to continue our "conversation" here when you're obviously set to turn this into mudslinging.

Whatever. Keep being a loathsome mote of shit Wydril.

And it may not be my fault, but sorry that people decided this would be a good place to air their laundry, so to speak.

...Er, sorry, but I'm not sure why you replied to me with that? I've also not been following... whatever's been going on here.
(Though I'm not the one who downvoted your comment there, to be clear.)

I don't really care about the downvotes. It was moreso 'I'm sorry that the soonest hateful arguing is happening in a post like this. Wasnt really responding, just kinda showing that there are people on here that can be civilized and communicative.

Okay, um. Thanks? But I'm still not sure why you replied to me, specifically? Did you not actually mean to? Sorry if I'm missing something.

I didn't mean to... my bad. Just figured out that I did by accident. Oops

Ah, righto, and no problem. Thanks for the clarification. :)

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