• Member Since 14th May, 2012
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Sasha Nein

I write fanfics and play video games. When I'm not doing that, I'm relaxing at the lake.

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Development as a Writer: What I've Learned · 1:03am Aug 22nd, 2016

I have compiled four points, or aspects, which I think provide the most assistance when you’re trying to improve on any activity you set your mind to. Most of this will be skewed towards writing, but I think the principles can be applied to many other things as well. I think they are all important in becoming better at whatever you put your mind to. I will give a quick overview of each, then go into details below.

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As A Writer...

We love getting feedback on the things we write. It makes us feel good inside when our readers discuss the controversial issues presented in the story. It warms the cockles of our little egos when someone says: Well done!
Or even simply just adds the story to their favorites list.

But you know what?

We don't learn **** when a reader does that.

The only time a writer gets better is if when someone else comes along and tells us something they didn't like about our writing. This does not include things like viewpoints or opinions.

No, I'm talking about the style of the writing, the grammar, or prose or whatever. When someone critiques our work and tells us how terrible we tried to write something, then tells us what we could have done better to make the story more fluid or meaningful... That is what helps us become better.

It is also the most helpful and meaningful kind of comment. Why? Because it shows us that you, as a reader, cares about our work and us as writers. That you care enough to want us to become better.
We may not always like it, but trust me, harsh critique is the best thing for a reader to give to an author of a story.

Not biased, cynical or opinionated critique. Simply good old fashioned: "Here's what you can do to make me like your story more."

Collab Contributions: Direct links to chapters.

Comments ( 23 )
  • Viewing 19 - 23 of 23

I did. I read all of it. I found it to be pleasantly captivating. I await further chapters!
I appreciate the uniqueness of the characters as well as the writing quality.

Many thanks for favoriting Flurry in Time! I hope you enjoy:twilightsmile:

That's a rad name for a Library.

Thank you for the favorite! :yay: I really appreciate it!

  • Viewing 19 - 23 of 23
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