• Member Since 9th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen May 15th, 2022


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Not dead yet! · 3:47am Jan 12th, 2016

So. My living/housing situation is changing such that I’m going to be spending more time on the bus on my way to and from work.
What this means is that I’m going to have more time to fill with stuff like writing. I don’t know if this means I’ll resume one of my old projects, or start something new.

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Report MetBoy · 457 views ·
Comments ( 17 )
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Thank you for the fave!

Thank you for your fave and comment! :twilightsmile:

I'm following you :pinkiecrazy:

Thank you for watching!

Thanks for the favorite on Desperate Times. Thank you also for the work you did at Everfree! Last weekend was amazing, and it's entirely due to staff like you. I'm still in shock over how awesome it was.

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