• Member Since 6th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 1st, 2014


I hung ae vung ee nungo rung ea sung o nung tungo wung rung i tunge ee a bung i o (note that English IS my first language)


So I'm not sure who's seen this already... · 2:52am Jun 14th, 2013

So I saw something amazing, and you've probably seen it if you were on MLB lately but I'll post it here, just to be safe.


And after seeing this I had an interesting thought. I would actually love to see a serious, legitimate fic like this. When I saw that, I don't mean a joke fic that's written for fun. I would actually like to see this done. Legitimately...Enough that I might even... *Gasp* Write something!

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Hello! Thank you for adding my story, Discord Writes a Ship Fic to your favorites! I hope you enjoy the ride! :scootangel:

Hey there, thanks for the fave. :pinkiegasp:

Thanks for the favorite on my changeling story!

So glad you have enjoyed Impressions enough to save it as a favorite. Keep an eye out for the next chapter - Discord gets to shine.

33846 Too bad, the stalkee never gets a word into the stalker...or at least the stalker doesn't care...

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