• Member Since 2nd Dec, 2012
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New Machinima to check out · 2:00am Feb 17th, 2015

Here's a pilot episode of a new machinima series on Youtube, it's pretty good when compared to the videos that new machinima "director" are making. It's also fresh break from all those "Serious Action" machinima's with a generic plot of aliens or zombies that pop up every week. So if you like it check it out on Youtube and spread the word, cause the director could really use your support.

Report qazse · 384 views ·
Comments ( 117 )
  • Viewing 113 - 117 of 117

Hey, thank you for checking out "Beautiful Stories for Ugly Children". I apologize that updates are taking a while. Honestly, writing for me has always taken a while. But I intend on getting some content for the anthology out soon. Please stay tuned, and perhaps let me know what you think with what's currently presented?

Thanks for the fav!

  • Viewing 113 - 117 of 117
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