If anyone still follows me, I've a question for you. · 12:33am Apr 14th, 2018
Yes, I'm alive. I'm not going to make grand promises and talk about how I'm going to continue old stories, but I got a question for y'all.
Yes, I'm alive. I'm not going to make grand promises and talk about how I'm going to continue old stories, but I got a question for y'all.
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Saw a recommendation but nothing is in the link...
Thanks for adding DJ-P4NTL3SS to your library!
Oh sh*t, just read one of your stories, and new theory: Scootaloo is a changeling
1201579 Yeah, it sucks XD I've finished maybe two things in my life time ><
I see we both have the near-pathological inability to finish stories. It's nice to know someone else has my problem...i think