Fear Factor Fan-Club 7 members · 0 stories

13 Years Ago, The Legend was Created at the dawn of reality television When Our Fears Become Reality: Fear Factor, A Show where every episode that 6 Contestants from around the globe battle each other in extreme & dangerous stunts, These stunts were designed to challenge the contestant both physically and mentally, if the Contestant is too scared to complete the stunt or attempts a stunt but fails to do it, they're eliminated, but if they succeed, they'll move on one step closer to the grand prize: $50,000, 6 Contestants, 3 Stunts, One Winner... Fear Factor...

The Show was Cancelled back in 2006, It was Revived in 2011, but was cancelled again!!!...

So Now, The Legend Begins All over again

This Group is Dedicated to The My Little Pony Fans who are also Fans of Fear Factor

Comments ( 2 )
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362164 YOU'RE DARN RIGHT!!! WE NEED SATISFACTION!!!! :twilightangry2:

There aren't any Fear Factor stories yet:rainbowderp:? THIS IS AN OUTRAGE I DEMAND SATISFACTION:flutterrage:

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