Reporting. · 12:29am Oct 26th, 2013
Hey Guys, Trapo reporting. Just wanted to check in and let you know that I am still alive. Thinking things have let up to allow me to do bi-weekly chapters of various lengths, depending on my schedule. I hate being one of those guys who make people wait, but life does happen quite frequently. Expect the next chapter in the next couple of weeks. AT THE LATEST. Thanks again for your patience. I'll see you soon.
I think he died...
Can you give us an update? I'd like to know if you are still working on your story in any fashion
Love your Ballad of the Dragonborn fic man. It's one of the few actually good and interesting Skyrim fics out there. Its a customized character that you made having its own backstory while staying true to the generic main quest line. In my opinion, writing about VERY customizable games like Skyrim or Fallout or others in crossover is not easy to do. You seem to be doing it very well! I read it again and again quite regularly and I'm always thoroughly impressed. Sure, there may be a few typo's and speech errors here and there but that's just nitpicking on my part. I hope we all get to see more chapters of it in the future!
Hey, is your story dead?
Sup? Really enjoyed the story so far; satisfyingly realistic and pleased with the mental and emotional progression. However, I can't help but notice that you've been off the radar for a while, every thing okay?